No more

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I wake up to someone kissing my face and open my eyes to see Peeta's beautiful blue eyes staring right back at me.

"Morning beautiful, how you feeling?" Peeta asks.

I'm confused for a moment then remember I was really sick yesterday and since I feel fine I must be better.

"Morning Peeta, I feel great. To be honest I forgot I was sick." I say with a smile.

"Well I'm fine aswell considering you said I would get sick if I kissed you." Peeta says with a look of I told you so.

"I was just worried cause I was really bad so it would of been easy to catch." I say.

"I know you were, even though you were the one sick you were worrying about me." he says pulling the blanket up further to keep us warm.

"You did a really good job looking after me yesterday." I say looking at him.

"How so?" he asks.

"Because I was only sick for a day. I bet if you weren't here to look after me I would of been ill for another year." I say a bit over the top.

"I'm sure you wouldn't of been sick for that long." Peeta says laughing.

"Okay, I was a bit over the top." I say laughing also.

There was a bit of calm silence until Peeta broke it.

"Well guess what." he asks.

"What?" I question confused.

"Your not sick anymore so I can kiss you whenever I want without you worrying about me." he says with a smirk.

"Well I don't want to kiss you." I say getting out of bed teasing him.

Peeta grabs me by the waist and drags me back in to bed.

He puts his weight on me but not to much to hurt me. Only enough to keep me down.

"That wasn't very nice." he says with a pout.

"Well I'm not very nice." I say trying not to smile.

Just as I think Peeta is getting up to let me go his hands find my stomach and I know what he's going to do.

"No Peeta don't." I say but it's to late.

Peetas hands tickles my stomach and I start laughing so hard that I'm nearly crying.

"Peeta stop please." I say laughing so hard that he probably can't understand me.

"Are you sorry?" He asks but still not stopping.

"Yes I'm sorry." I say nearly screaming.

" I don't believe you." he says smiling at me.

"Please, you can kiss me whenever you want to." I try to say.

Peetas hands suddenly stop but seconds later his lips join mine.

We move our lips together and Peeta slips his tongue in to meet mine.

We continue until we have to pull away so we can catch our breath.

I hardly have time to because Peetas lips are back on mine.

Wow he must of really missed kissing me yesterday.

"I heard screaming, is everyone okay?" I hear someone asking making me and Peeta pull away confused.

We look to the door where the voice came from and see Haymitch saying there with a smug look on his face.

"Haymitch, how the hell did you get in?" I ask annoyed.

"You don't lock the door." he says simply. "It seems like the screaming was something else though." he adds.

"Actually, it was Peeta tickling me not 'something else'" I say.

"What do you want Haymitch? we no you didn't just come here to see if we're okay." Peeta asks him.

"Yeah your right. Is there any drink left here?" he asks.

We look at him for a moment and I sigh.

He better be sober for the wedding.

"Downstairs top cabinet." I say annoyed.

"Katniss I'm only joking, of course I came here to see if your okay, you two are the only family I have left." he says.

Me and Peeta look at each other confused for a moment.

"Then don't you want the drink?" I question.

"No, I'm giving up on it. It's about time I start doing something right in my life." he says smiling.

My face breaks out to a smile and I look at Peeta to see him also smiling.

"Really?" Peeta asks.

"Yes really. Now are youse going to get up and make me some breakfast." he ask.

Just then my stomach decides to rumble making us all laugh.

"Well looks like you and katniss are both hungry." Peeta says grabbing my hand and pulling me out of bed.

We all walk downstairs and eat blueberry pancakes and cheese buns. Talking and laughing.

A great way to start a day.

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