First kicks and gender

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I'm currently sitting on the sofa waiting for Peeta to come downstairs.

We have an exciting appointment in about half an hour and hopefully by the end we will know what gender our baby is.

I'm excited and nervous at the same time and I just hope my baby is healthy.

My bump has got much bigger in the last two weeks but with a really baggy top you can't tell as much.

Not many people know I'm pregnant only Peeta, my mom, Haymitch, Annie and Johanna.

I haven't even told Effie yet because I'm scared that the Capitol might find out.

I'm nearly 20 weeks pregnant so I've got about 4 months to go until It's me and Peeta plus one.

I hear Peeta coming down the stairs.

He's always had loud steps so i haven't been able to hunt much.

Before long il need help tying my show laces.

I suddenly have a strange feeling in my stomach making me gasp.

It's kind of like butterflies fluttering or popcorn popping.

I place my hand on my stomach as Peeta makes his way to my side looking confused.

"Katniss, you okay?" he questions.

As I press on my stomach I feel it again.

Then I realise what it is.

"Peeta come here." I smile picking up his hand.

I place it on my stomach and straight away our baby kicks.

"Wow that amazing." Peeta smiles feeling my stomach.

As Peeta talks our baby kicks more.

Wow he already likes his daddy.

"Are you hurting?" Peeta asks concerned.

"No it just feels strange." I say honestly.

After realising we only have 20 minutes to get to the hospital we decide to leave.

Peetas smile never leaves his face all the way to the doctors and neither does mine.

I never thought I'd feel this way about a child of mine but I already love him.

"Good morning katniss, Peeta." the doctor says shaking Peetas hand.

He monitors for me to lie down on the chair so I do.

"Have you felt any kicking yet?" the doctor asks getting the equipment ready.

"About 15 minutes ago was the first time." I smile as Peeta holds my hand.

Peeta sits on a chair next to me so he can see what the doctor is doing.

"Good, shows the baby is growing." the doctor replies.

"Would you like to hear the heart beat?" the doctor asks.

Me and Peeta both nod our heads excited.

He tells me to lift my top of before placing the equipment on my stomach.

"It might take a while, depends on which way the baby is lying." the doctor smiles.

It's not long before I hear the sound of a heartbeat and it sounds magical.

I turn to Peeta to see he has a huge smile placed on his face.

"Two minutes." the doctor says making me panic.

"Is something wrong?" I ask, my smile dropping.

"Nothing's wrong im just going to do an ultrasound scan." the doctor smiles.

The doctor squeezes some of the cold jel on my stomach like last time.

I feel Peeta squeeze my hand trying to calm me down.

The same as last time a picture of my baby appears on the screen.

I hear Peeta mumble wow since it's his first time seeing his baby moving.

"Oh wow." The doctor says suddenly.

"What's wrong?" I ask not taking my eyes away from the screen.

"Well it appears that you are having two babies." the doctor says making me gasp.

"Two." I hear Peeta ask. I turn to face him and see he's nearly crying.

"Yes, we couldn't tell before since you weren't very far along." the doctor says looking at me.

"Would you like to know the genders?" he asks.

Straight away me and Peeta look at each other nodding.

"Okay well it appears your having a girl and a boy." he answers looking at the screen again.

"Well I guess we were both right." I smile looking at Peeta.

"I guess we were." Peeta smiles and I realise he has a tear running down his face.

I reach up to wipe it off and the doctor cleans of my stomach.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so happy. I can't believe were having twins." Peeta says hugging me.

"Don't be sorry, I'm happy to." I reply sitting up.

"Ok katniss, I would like to see you next month please and congratulations." he says.

"Thank you." I answer getting off the chair with Peetas help.

We walk home happier than ever with smiles as bright as the sun.

Before the games I never even wanted one baby never mind two.

But now I couldn't be more happier.

I know it's going to be harder having two small people to look after and not just one.

But I know with Peeta's help we will be perfectly fine.

We arrive back home and lie down on the sofa, both of our hands on my stomach.

Before I know it there will be me, Peeta and our little boy and girl.

And right now I couldn't be more excited.

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