Ready in pain

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I scream out in pain as another contraction hits.

This time squeezing Peetas hand nearly breaking it.

Surprisingly it doesn't seem to bother him but I mean I am the one about to give birth.

"Katniss deep breaths okay, I'm going to quickly go upstairs and grab the bag and il call Haymich." Peeta says trying to let go off my hand.

"Please don't leave me, please it hurts so much." I say breathing heavily.

"Il be 15 seconds okay." he replies before running upstairs.

He's back down in a flash with the bag on his back and our house phone in his hand.

"Haymich?" he wonders.

"Yes katniss is in labour and I need to help me get to the hospital." I hear Peeta says.

I scream again in pain holding into my stomach.

Peeta puts down the phone and helps me to the door seeing that I can't walk he carries me.

He opens the door and there is a car right outside with Haymich in.

"Haymich you can't drive." I say not wanting to go in the car.

"Sweetheart, I learnt how to drive in the Capitol now get in." he says opening the door.

Peeta puts me in the backseat before sitting in next to me.

I scream again making Haymich give me a look.

"Scream a little quieter, I can't hear the cars." he says trying to be funny.

"Sorry Haymich, why don't you try having to babies then complain." I say angry.

I see Peeta smirking next to me and suddenly I'm angry at him as well.

"What are you smirking at? you did this to me." I say looking at him.

"I'm sorry." he says rubbing my arm.

"No I'm sorry, I shouldn't of said that." I say suddenly feeling guilty.

Peeta helps me with my breathing helping me calm down and we soon arrive at the hospital.

Peeta carries me into the hospital with Haymich carrying the bag.

"Help my wife is going into labour." Peeta says loudly.

A woman brings me and wheelchair and Peeta puts me in it.

"How many weeks are you katniss?" she asks knowing who me and Peeta are.

I don't get the change to answer because I'm screaming instead.

"She only 37, is something wrong?" Peeta asks worriedly.

"Nope she's having twins isn't she?" the nurse asks.

Peeta nods his head knowingly.

"Then 37 weeks is full term for twins, they will be just fine." she relies wheeling me away with peea following.

Haymich is made to wait but they allow Peeta to come with me since he's my husband.

They help lie me on the hospital bed and as soon as the next contraction is over, Peeta helps me into a hospital gown.

"Okay katniss, I'm just going to see how dilated you are." the midwife says making me look at her.

Peeta knees down at my side holding my hand.

"Just squeeze my hand when ever you need to." Peeta says moving my wet hair out of my face.

"What if I break it?" I wonder scared.

"We are in a hospital so we are completely fine." Peeta replies smiling.

"Peeta it hurts so bad." I say in pain.

"I know, you know I would do this if I could." Peeta says making my heart melt.

This is the worse pain I've ever gone through and Peeta would do it if he could.

"Don't leave me." I say resting my head back on the pillow.

"I'm not going anywhere." he answers leaning over to kiss my hand.

"Okay katniss, you are fully dilated! are you ready to push?" the midwife asks.

"I'm scared." I say honestly.

"That's perfectly normal but I assure you that everything will go smoothly but we need your help pushing." she replies looking at me and Peeta.

"Okay I'm ready." I say already feeling tired.

This is going to be a long night.

But I know at the end of it I will have my two beautiful babies and my wonderful husband.

We will finally be a proper family.

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