A day at the beach

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Me and Peeta find a perfect spot on the beach where it's calm and there's not as many people there.

We can still hear the music but it's faded in the background. Perfect.

Most of the kids and adults are near the blasting music and the rides on the beach side.

So been further along it's a lot peaceful but the view is just as great.

We lie down the beach blankets we brought and place the picnic basket next to it.

Peeta lies down on one of the blankets and I lie on the one next to him.

We decided to sunbath for a while just enjoying the beautiful sun.

I move my head so it's resting on his chest and close my eyes enjoying the heat.

I feel Peeta stroking my hair and I start to fall asleep.

Suddenly I feel movement beneath me and I'm lifted off the sand.

I'm confused but when my eyes snap open I see Peeta running with me in his arms.

I look to see where he's running to and my eyes nearly pop out my head when I see he's running to the ocean.

"Peeta, stop now please don't." I beg trying to get out of his arms.

I don't get a reply but when I look at Peeta I see a massive smirk placed on his face.

"Peeta, please be nice." I try but seconds later I'm thrown into the water.

When I come up I rub my eyes to see Peeta rolling around laughing on the sand.

I look down and realise that I still had my shorts and t shirt on and now they are sticking to my body.

So he thinks this is funny?

While he's too busy laughing to notice me going back into the water.

I swing my leg back as far as I can and kick it back down into the water.

A massive splash of water jumps up from the ocean and splashes Peeta all over his body.

Now it's my turn to laugh.

I copy Peeta and roll around the sand laughing so hard I'm nearly wetting myself.

I hear more laughter and realise that Peeta is also laughing.

"You've soaked me." I say between breaths.

"You can always take your clothes off." Peeta says with a smirk.

"Oh you would like that wouldn't you?" I say trying to tease him.

"Oh yes I would." Peeta answers coming closer to me.

So to grant Peetas wishes I pull of my shorts and throw them over to our picnic basket.

"Better?" I ask looking up to him.

"Your forgetting something else." he says pointing to my t shirt.

I go to grab it but It's to stuck to my body that I can't get it off.

Suddenly I feel Peetas arms on the bottom of my top.

"Want some help?" I hear Peeta whisper in my ear.

"Please, it's stuck." I say laughing.

In one quick go my shirt is off and thrown across the sand towards my shorts.

I look up to see Peeta staring at me. I wave my hand in front of his face but he's not moving.

"Peeta, you okay?" I ask clicking my fingers in his face.

He suddenly snaps out of his day dream and has a gigantic smile on his face.

"What are you smiling at?" I ask holding onto his hands.

"You, your so beautiful." he says making me look away blushing.

I don't feel beautiful but Peeta always tells me I am which confuses me.

"I'm not." I mumble into his chest.

I feel Peeta lifting my chin so that I'm looking at him but I then my eyes so I'm not looking into his.

"Yes you are, your the most beautiful girl in the world. I've only ever wanted you." he says making my eyes pop open so I'm looking at him again.

"But my scars though, look at them, there so ugly." I say pointing at my arms, legs and stomach where most of my scars are.

Peeta pulls of his shirt so he's only in his swim shorts and points at his scars.

"See I've got them aswell." Peeta says trying to prove a point.

"But you don't look ugly with them." I say staring at his scars.

"You don't look ugly with yours either. I don't care weather you have no scars or weather you have a million. It won't change my opinion or feelings on you, you will always be beautiful to me." Peeta says nearly making me cry.

I suddenly hug him really tight and I can tell he's surprised cause it takes him a couple of seconds before his arms make their way around me.

But as soon as they do they are just as tight and loving as always.

I feel Peetas fingers on my chin and seconds later his lips are on mine.

I wrap my arms around his neck as he pulls me further into him so close that we are touching.

I feel the sun shining over us and everything is perfect.

We spend some more time in the water enjoying the beautiful view and heat that is above us.

I can safety say that the picnic was easily forgetting and nothing else mattered.

Just me and Peeta.


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