This is forever

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When I woke up I could see that Peeta wasn't sleeping next to me anymore.

I looked down to the floor and see that the bits of popcorn from last night had been cleaned up.

I could smell bread floating through the air in the living room and guess straight away that Peeta was making breakfast.

I got up and walked into the kitchen still in my pjs and sat down at the table. Haymitch was here!

We still see Haymitch quite abit bit he's not normally here so early in the morning.

"Morning katniss." Peeta says casually.

"Morning." I say tiredly.

"You guys bore me, I'm going home." Haymitch says as he starts to leave his chair.

"If you leave, then how will you get your muffin?" askes Peeta with a grin on his face.

"I guess your right. I better stay until after breakfast then." says Haymitch

We eat muffins and cheese buns until we are full. After breakfast Haymitch leaves nearly falling in the front door but eventually makes his way back to his house next door.

"Do you think he will ever stop drinking?" I ask Peeta.

"Probably not, but it's his way of coping." he says opening out his arms for me.

I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him giving him a long loving kiss since I couldn't do that in front of Haymitch because he would complain.

When we pull away I place my head in Peetas chest, his chin on top of my head and we just rest there for a while taking in each other's warmth.

After we have cleaned up we walk back over to the couch and I thank him for cleaning up the popcorn but he insisted that I didn't need to thank him because he was the one we spat it out in the first place.

He grabs his sketch book and like always he starts to sketch pictures of me in it.

He puts in every detail of me. My braid, my gray eyes and even my scars. He draws for at least an hour before we start to talk again.

"Have you ever thought of what would of happened if you didn't volunteer for Prim at the reaping?" he askes with a serious look on his face.

"Of course I have." I say firmly and trying not to let out any tears that are in my eyes ready to pour thinking of my dead little sister.

"If you didn't, do you think I would be alive today?" He askes sadly.

I don't really know how to answer and I don't want to think of what my life would be like now without Peeta.

"I honestly don't know." I saying looking across the room to the black tv screen.

"I don't think I would have had a chance without you." he says quietly. "We might not have even spoken if you hadn't volunteered for prim. That would of made my life horrible, not living with the girl who makes my life worth living."

Once he says this, tears roll down my cheeks. Peeta notices and scoots closer to me placing his sketch book onto the table in front of us.

He holds me close as I cry into his shoulder. I couldn't help but cry. The thought of Prim not being here anymore and Peeta saying his life would be horrible without me.

"Katniss don't cry, we're okay now." he says looking deeply into my eyes.

"Will you stay with me through everything forever?" I ask him.

"Always" he answers back.

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