Johanna and Annie

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I woke up to the sound of giggles and I opened my eyes to see Annie and Johanna with little Finn standing there watching us.

I don't see why its funny but then I realised that me and Peeta had fell asleep on the couch last night.

We seem to be doing that quite often now.

I look down to see that we don't have a blanket covering us and Peeta has me tightly against his chest.

Peeta still hasn't realised what's going on because he's still sleeping so I decide to wake him.

"Peeta, come on it's time to get up." I say into his ear and shaking him gently.

"Mmmm, 5 more minutes. Just cuddle for a while." he says squeezing me tighter.

This makes Johanna and Annie laugh even louder.

When Peeta hears the laughing sounds his bright blue eyes snap open.

"Oh hello guys." Peeta says seeming more awake now.

"And good morning katniss." he says kissing me on the lips.

"Aww, you guys are so cute but come on katniss we need to go." Johanna says dragging me off the couch.

"Okay okay, I need to shower first." I say smiling.

"Hurry up brainless, you should of been up earlier." Johanna says walking into the kitchen.

I laugh to myself as I walk up the stairs tripping on one and nearly falling down them but nobody notices.

I quickly grab some clean clothes since I slept in the ones I wore yesterday.

I walk into the bathroom whistling to myself. I do this when I'm in a good mood.

I wash my hair and clean all of my body and then I let the water run over me because the temperature is perfect and it feels nice.

After I'm done I dry my body and rub my hair with the fluffy towel to get most of the water out.

I got a hair dryer from my prep team after the first games but I've never used it.

I put on my clothes and head downstairs where I smell cheese buns.

I see Peeta making bread and Annie, Johanna and Finn are eating some buns.

"Finally." I here Johanna say.

"Oh shut up I had to do my hair." I say grabbing a bun off the table.

"Hi katniss." I hear a small voice say that comes from Finn.

"Hi Finn, how are you doing" I ask smiling at him.

"I'm doing okay thank you." he says rather shyly.

"Your getting big aren't you. how old are you now?" I ask the small child.

"I'm 3. I'm going to be 4 soon." he says.

For a child who is only 3 nearly 4 he can speak fairly well.

"Wow, are you excited?" I ask him.

"Yeah, mammy says I can have a party." he says with an excited voice.

"That's good, I better be invited mind." I say kidding with him.

"I want you to come, is that okay mammy?" He asks looking up to Annie.

"Of course now eat up the cheese bun so we can go out." she says wiping the bits he got all over from his face.

I go to get my jacket from the other room and when I come back I see that Finn has finally finished.

I put on my shoes as does Annie and Johanna and we get ready to leave the house.

Just as I'm leaving I hear Peeta calling for me.

"What did you say?" I ask walking back into the kitchen.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" he asks smirking.

"Sorry." I say trying to give him a quick kiss.

He pulls me in for a longer kiss and Johanna's voice breaks us apart.

"Chop chop love birds we don't have all day." I hear her say from the kitchen door way.

"Calm down I'm coming." I answer back.

"See you later." I say to Peeta.

"Have fun, love you." he answers as I leave the house.

"Love you too" I call just before the door closes shut.

"Now let's go get the dresses ready for the wedding." Annie says.

I smile back to her as we walk down town talking about the most random things ever.

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