Where we going?

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"Katniss wake up" I hear peeta whisper in my ear.

I groan before turning over and putting my face in the pillow.

I hear peeta laugh before I feel the bed shift.

"Come on lazy, we're going out today" he says before I shoot up.

"Really, where we going?" I ask rather excited.

"It's a surprise but you need to get up and get ready otherwise il just have to go with Effie." he says before smirking.

I look around and realise naoh and willow aren't here.

"Where's the kids?" I ask before rubbing my tired eyes.

"Spending the day with Effie today so we have some time." he says before kissing me lips softly and leaving the room.

"You get ready while I make breakfast." he smiles just before the door shuts.

I jump out of bed and grab some clean clothes.

I quickly hurry to the bathroom and take a fast but relaxing shower.

I wash my hair and my body before leaving the shower and getting changed.

I decide to make the bed and quickly tidy up our room since its a huge mess.

I leave my hair to dry and go to meet peeta in the kitchen.

I see him standing next to the pan cooking and I slowly walk over to him.

I wrap my arms around his waist and I see him smirk before turning around to kiss me.

"Hey beautiful." he smiles kissing my nose.

I roll my eyes before leaning in to kiss him.

"Hey I seen that." he says putting his hand on my cheek.

"I didn't do anything." I say trying to hide the fact.

Even though i know fine well that he seen me.

"Sorry it's just I'm not." I say looking into his amazing blue eyes.

"You are and you always will be, especially to me" he says and I can't help but smile.

Always the same sweet peeta but that's one of the many reasons why I love him so much.

"I don't feel like it, especially since after the games." I say and I know he knows I'm talking about the scars.

"Well sweetheart, I'm going to show you how beautiful you are tonight and I can't wait." he says before tucking a part of my wet hair behind my ear.

"Still not going to tell me where we are going?" I ask hopefully.

"Nope, now let's get some breakfast." he says sitting me down.

"I wonder what willow and Noah are doing?" I ask more to my self than anyone."

"I'm not sure but from what Effie was saying, they are going to have a wonderful day." peeta replies to my thoughts.

"Good, I kind of miss them." I say out of nowhere.

"Don't worry, you will see them tonight." peeta answers sitting down besides me.

"What time we leaving?" I question eating some toast.

"As soon as we finish breakfast." peeta says before drinking some orange juice.

I wonder where we are going.

So guys I decide to be nice and add another chapter right before Christmas.

I just wanted to say that you all are amazing and thank you everyone who comments and votes for my story, it really means a lot.

I hope you all have a good Christmas and get everything you wish for because you all deserve it.

Merry Christmas everyone and I wish you all the best for 2015!

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