Worth it in the end

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I wake up to see Peeta staring at me playing with my hair.

"Hey, you feeling better?" he asks as soon and he sees I'm awake.

"Much better." I reply.

"I was gonna wake you soon anyway, the train should be at the station in about 15 minutes." he speaks.

"Have you slept at all?" I wonder.

"Didn't need to, I'm not tired." he answers.

I get up to go to the toilet leaving Peeta behind.

I return back to the bedroom seconds before the speaker comes on.

"Passengers to district 4 please get ready to leave the train."

"That's us." Peeta smiles getting the car.

"Are you sure you can manage with that?" I ask surprised.

"Yep I'm fine, plus I called Johanna earlier and she's at the station now to help." he answers.

I grab the suitcase and we prepare to leave the train.

As soon as the doors open I see Johanna with a smug look on her face.

Good this is going to be a great two days.

I pull the suitcase off of the train with Peeta slowly walking behind me.

He can't even see where he's going.

"Want some help lover boy?" Johanna smirks going to help Peeta.

"That's what I called you for." Peeta laughs.

"What is this anyway?" she asks confused.

"Electric car for Finn." I answer.

"Wow he's going to love this." Johanna says.

"Where's Annie anyway?" I question looking around.

"Annie kept Finn at home cause a few of his friends came, he wanted to come though." she says once we start walking to Annie's home.

We soon arrive at Annie's home, me a few seconds in front of Peeta and Johanna.

I don't get the chance to knock before the door is pulled open.

"Katniss, I missed you." Finn shouts jumping into my arms.

"Hey Finn, happy birthday." I say picking him up.

"Thank you, I'm 4 now." he says as if it's the best thing in the world.

To Finn it probably is.

I mean at 4 you have nothing in the world to worry about.

"Your getting big aren't you." I answer smiling.

"Mommy got me a bouncy castle." he says excited.

"Did she? do you wanna see what me and Peeta got for you?" I ask him as we walk inside to see Annie.

"Yes please." he says loudly.

Peeta puts the wrapped up car and costume in front of Finn while Annie comes in to have a look.

Straight away he goes to the big present like all little excited kids.

Very quickly he opens it up and starts shouting really loudly.

"Look mommy look what katniss and Peeta give me." he shouted

"Wow I hope that wasn't much, you didn't have to get him that." Annie says to me and Peeta.

"It's fine, we have more money than we need anyway." Peeta smiles rubbing my arm.

"What do you say to katniss and Peeta?" Annie asks the excited child.

"Thank you so much, this is the best." he says coming to hug us.

Since it's already charged Finn is straight outside riding it.

"Well he's forgot about the bouncy castle." Johanna laughs.

"How you doing katniss?" Annie suddenly asks me.

"I'm alright, just tired." I answer honestly.

"You get used to it. You been sick yet?" she wonders.

"Yep." I reply popping the p.

"It doesn't last for long." she smiles making me feel better.

"Can't wait till it's over." I answer truthfully.

We go to have dinner while Annie has a hard time getting Finn off the car.

"But I love it mommy." he complains.

"You can play on it later." Annie smiles making Finn happily eat his lunch.

Time gets on and Finns friends get picked up to go home.

After Finn has another hour out side he soon passes out on the bouncy castle.

Annie goes out to pick him up and take him to bed to rest.

"So what's been happening recently at your house?" Johanna asks curiously.

"I got Peeta a puppy called Gus." I answer resting my head on Peetas shoulder.

"Randomly?" she asks confused.

"No for my birthday." Peeta answers for me.

"So did you have good birthday?" Johanna smirks knowing that's when I told Peeta I was pregnant.

"I had the best birthday ever." Peeta smiles leaning down to kiss me.

"Ew don't start all that sloppy stuff." Joanna mumbles pretending to be sick making me and Peeta giggle.

"Are you two okay staying in the spare room?" I hear Annie ask as she appears in the doorway.

"That's fine." I answer smiling back to her.

Annie puts a film on her massive tv screen for us all to watch.

I start to fall asleep on Peeta and he notices.

"Do you want to go to bed?" Peeta questions so only I can hear.

"Yeah." I mumble tiredly.

We say goodnight to Johanna and Annie before making our way to the spare room.

Peeta helps me up the stairs since I can't really see where I'm going.

I see that our suitcase is already in the room meaning either Annie or Peeta brought it here.

Peeta helps me change into pjs since I couldn't be bothered to do it myself.

I climb into bed with Peeta behind me as normal.

I turn over and rest my head on his chest as he wraps his arms around me.

One on my stomach which he's been doing since he found out I was carrying his child.

And another playing with my hair making me feel safe.

"I can't wait until we have our baby." I say closing my eyes.

"Me neither, I just wish you didn't have to go through sickness and pain." Peeta whispers.

"It will be worth it in the end." I say smiling.

"It sure will be, it still hasn't sunk in." Peeta laughs.

"I love you Peeta." I mumble.

"I love you to my mockingjay." I hear Peeta reply before I fall into a deep sleep.

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