The day after

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I wake up feeling totally different from what I did yesterday but I feel great.

I know that I'm naked but I don't feel like I need to hide from Peeta anymore because we are married.

I can feel Peetas heart beating steady and I know that he's still sleeping peacefully beside me.

Without thinking I start to run my hand up and down his bare chest.

I start thinking about last night and how perfect it was and I wouldn't change anything that happened.

I snap out of my thoughts when I feel Peeta lean down and kiss my forehead revelling that he's awake.

I turn my head up to face him and see a massive smile planted on his face.

"Morning beautiful." he says to me kissing my lips softly.

"Morning handsome, did I wake you?" I question worried that I had.

"Nope I was going to wake anyway, we need to get ready because we're leaving at 4." he tells me and it's then I remember about the honey moon.

I start smiling remembering that I'm mrs Mellark now and nobody can change that.

"What are you smiling at?" Peeta asks still looking at me.

"Nothing, just remembering about yesterday." I say honestly.

"Witch part of yesterday?" Peeta asks teasing me.

"All of it." I answer smirking.

"You don't regret anything do you?" Peeta asks and I answer straight away.

"Of course not, yesterday was perfect." I tell him smiling widely.

"Do you want to take a shower while I make some breakfast?" Peeta questions.

"Yeah okay." I say sitting up.

Peeta gets out of bed naked and my jaw drops to the floor.

I give my best wolf whistle and Peeta smirks at me.

"Like what you see?" He questions striking a pose.

I then remember when Finnick said that same thing except he had underwear on.

"I love what I see" I say smirking at him.

Peeta pulls on some clean underwear and a pair of pants leaving him topless.

After he kisses me quickly on the lips he walks downstairs while I take a shower.

I let the warm water run over my body and I'm quick to get out to eat.

Yesterday's activities must of me me hungry because my tummy rumbles just as I'm waking into the kitchen.

"Someone's hungry." I hear Peeta say.

"Very much especially when its you making something." I say sitting down.

Peeta hands me a plate and we are very quick to eat breakfast since it's nearly 12 and we need to pack.

Wow we slept in late, we really must of being tired.

We grab medium size suitcases each and pack enough clothes to last us a week.

After folding everything neatly making sure everything fit in I was really tired again.

Peeta took a little longer because he was just throwing everything into his suitcase.

I think he was a little to excited about our honeymoon.

I helped Peeta and made sure everything looked neat because I wasn't going to be ironing when we go there.

Once we finish everything it's was about time to leave.

It was only half 3 but we wanted to get their on time for the train coming.

We grabbed the tickets that we got of Annie, Finn and Johanna off the cabinet and took the suitcases to the door.

We walked out the house and Peeta locked the door.

After he placed his key in his pocket safety i grabbed my suit case with one hand and Peetas hand with the other.

"Ready?" Peeta questions at we arrive at the train station.

I look up to him and smile. "ready." I confirm just as the train to district 4 pulls up in the station.

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