Maybe a hat?

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I wake up to the beautiful warm sun shinning through the window.

I move my head to feel the breeze coming through the open window.

I notice the curtains are shut but find it weird because I don't remember closing them.

I smile once i realise Peeta must of done it when he open the window.

Opening the windows is something Peeta has always done, I don't mind it but it's sometimes cold in the winter but Peeta is always there to keep me warm.

I feel someone kissing my shoulder and notice Peeta must be awake.

I turn around to face him and greet him with a kiss.

"Morning beautiful, that was a lovely start to the day." Peeta says pecking my lips once again.

"Morning handsome, sorry can't resist." I answer smirking.

"You want breakfast?" Peeta asks hugging me tighter.

"Do I never not want breakfast?" I ask smiling.

"Well no, good point." Peeta says getting out of bed.

When he does I can't help but stare but when he clicks his fingers in front of my face I start blushing.

"Take a picture, it might last longer" Peeta says smirking at me.

"Just looking is better." I finally spit out.

"Okay take a shower and il go make something to eat." He says pulling on some shorts.

He gives me a kiss on the forehead than walks downstairs to make probably pancakes.

I climb out of bed leaving the covers messy because I can't be bothered to make the bed.

Maybe while I'm gone it will make it's self.

I wash my hair and rub soap on my body to freshen up a bit.

I wrap a big fluffy towel around my body and walk into the walk in closet to get changed.

I change into some shorts and a short sleeved t shirt since it's warm out.

I rush down stairs to meet Peeta and sit down at the table just in time for the pancakes to be laid out.

"Nice?" Peeta asks just as I'm munching on my 4th pancake.

"Mmm hmmm" I answer making Peeta laugh.

"Wow katniss you must be hungry." Peeta says picking up his 2nd pancake.

"Well the amount of exercise we did last night, are you surprised?" I ask smirking.

I take the plates to the sink to get washed up while Peeta finishes up.

"Here il help" Peeta says appearing suddenly behind me giving me a shock.

"Wow, Peeta you scared me." I say drying a plate.

Peeta goes to pick up the next plate but I stop him.

"It's fine, il do it." I tell him.

"But I don't want to make you do it all" Peeta says frowning.

"Your not, I insist. You have done loads for me lately." I say honestly.

It's true though, Peeta has been doing a lot recently and I feel like I need to help.

"You sure?" Peeta asks making me smile.

"Yeah I'm completely sure, go and put a shirt on." I say tapping his stomach.

"Thought id just go out like this." Peeta says smiling.

"Whatever." I answer putting away everything we have used.

Peeta brings me my sandals and I pull them onto my feet while Peeta places his shoes on his feet.

I go upstairs to get some money since we are buying presents today.

I meet Peeta downstairs and give him the money to place safety in his pocket.

I would of carried it in mine but I can't be trusted with money.

Even if there were a zip on my pocket. The money would still find away out.

We walk out the door and Peeta locks it once again.

"So what you planning on getting Annie?" Peeta asks grabbing a hold of my hand.

"I was thinking a hat, yeah she would like a hat." I answer trying not to smile.

"Really? a hat?" Peeta asks giving me a look.

"No no of course not, I'm just joking." I say as we both share a laugh.

We turn a corner and walk down a short street making lots of conversation.

We hear noise and see people as we arrive at the biggest town that I've ever seen.

"Well this is kinda busy." I say squeezing Peetas hand.

"Just keep a hold of my hand and il protect you." Peeta says looking down to me.

"Always" I answer before we make our way into the busy, noisy crowd.

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