1st Birthday

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"Happy birthday to you happy birthday Noah and willow, happy birthday to you." we all sing to my one year old son a daughter.

One year already, I really can't believe it.

I watch as my son and daughter look around confused to why everyone is looking at them.

"You going to blow out the candles?" Peeta encourages.

They both sit staring back making everyone laugh.

"Should we let Finn blow them out?" Peeta asks even know they won't answer.

They both smile so we take that as a yes.

"You want to blow them out?" I ask Finn who looks excited.

"Yes please." he says nodding his little head.

For a moment I'm afraid it will fall off.

I pick up Finn and lift him closer to the candles but not too close.

He blows them out and everyone cheers.

"Good job." I say placing him back on the floor.

Finn smiles before rushing off to Annie.

We clean away the plates and everyone makes their way into the living room.

I clean up willow who has her dinner right around her mouth.

"Should we hand out the cake later?" I ask Peeta who is getting Noah out the high chair.

"I think that's best because its chocolate." Peeta laughs Making me nod in agreement.

Well there is kids here and chocolate does get everywhere.

I get willow out her chair as she rushed off to play.

"Do you want some help?" I ask Peeta meaning to the dishes.

"I think they can wait until tomorrow." Peeta smiles pulling me closer to him.

"One year already." he sighs against my lips.

"It's gone so fast." I reply honestly.

"It sure has but it's been a brilliant year." he smiles putting his hands on my hips.

"The best year ever." I say truthfully bringing my lips to his soft ones.

"Mommy." I hear a voice making me pull away.

I look down to see Noah standing at my side looking up at me.

"What's up baby?" I ask picking him up.

He doesn't answer but instead puts his head in my neck.

"I think he's tired." Peeta says stroking his soft blond hair.

"It's been a long day." I say kissing Noahs head.

"Should we go see everyone else before they leave?" I ask looking at Peeta.

"Of course." he answers kissing my lips quickly.

We walk into the living room to see Annie, Haymitch and Johanna sitting on the sofa.

Willow and Finn are playing nicely on the floor.

"What's wrong with Noah?" Haymitch asks concerned as i sit on the sofa near him.

"He's just tired." I reply as he makes himself comfortable on my knee.

"You coming to see me?" Annie asks putting her arms out for Noah.

He happily climbs into his aunties arms before looking at me and smiling.

Sweet, just like his father.

"What time is it?" Johanna wonders looking for a clock.

"Nearly 7." Peeta says checking the watch I got him for Christmas.

"7 already? we better start making tracks." Annie says alert.

Peeta goes into the kitchen to cut cake for everyone to take home.

"Il see you soon Finn." I say giving him a small hug.

"Bye" he says as Annie collects her things.

"Thank you for inviting us over, its been a brilliant day and I can't believe how fast the year has gone." she says looking at Noah and willow who are attached to my legs.

"I know I can't believe it either and thank you for coming and for their presents." I say thankfully.

"It's no bother." she smiles giving me a hug.

"Bye brainless and by kiddies" she says meaning Noah and willow.

Willow waves but Noah looks like he's about to fall asleep on the floor.

"Here's your cake." Peeta says handing some to Annie, Johanna then Finn.

"What do you say Finn?" Annie asks her son.

"Thank you Peeta." he says loudly making everyone smile.

"Okay we better get you to bed." Annie says looking at Finn who has already started eating the cake.

"See you soon katniss." she says opening the door.

"See you soon and you to Johanna." I say as she waves bye.

Haymitch comes into the hallway ready to go.

"They are beautiful kids aren't they. Im so proud of you both and how good you are for each other." Haymitch says hugging me and Peeta.

"Thank you Haymitch." we answer together.

"Anytime lovebirds." he smirks.

"I better go but I will see you all very soon." he says grabbing his coat.

"Bye Haymitch and thanks for coming." I say as he opens the door.

"It's fine." he smiles before waving bye to Noah and willow.

"What a day it's being." Peeta sighs tiredly.

"Good but I'm shattered and i think these are aswell." I say looking at Noah and willow who are lying on the floor.

"I guess we better get them to bed." he says picking up Noah.

"Then I think we need to get ourselves to bed." I laugh tiredly picking up willow.

We put Noah and willow to bed and they both fall asleep straight away.

Me and Peeta climb into bed and before we can say good night were out like a light.

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