Im sorry

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"Katniss was that the door?" Peeta shouts from upstairs.

"I don't think so." I reply watching willow and noah play on the floor.

I sit for a few seconds before I hear knocking.

Something I didn't hear before.

"Katniss I swear someone's there." peeta says coming down stairs and going to the hallway to answer the door.

He opens it and I hear voices before he returns to the living room.

With gale following slowly behind me.

I stand up worried that Skylar has come with him.

I'm really not in the mood to argue today and my babies are present.

"Don't worry, she's not here." gale says reassuring me.

"Oh" Is all I say before I sit back down.

"Can I sit?" he asks unsure.

I finally smile at him before answering. "of course"

He takes a seat next to me while peeta goes into the kitchen saying he will make a cupper.

"She's gone." is all he says before looking at me.

"I'm sorry." I say not no knowing how to answer.

I'm stuck on the fence.

I'm over the moon that she's finally gone and not coming back but I'm also sorry for gale since he really liked her.

"We had a argument and she left and went to 3." He starts before continuing.

"I thought she was going to be the one but she was using me." he says and he looks like he's going to cry.

"Gale she doesn't deserve you, she's horrible and you should be with someone else who doesn't take you for granted." I say trying to make him feel better.

"Thank you catnip." he replies retuning to my old nickname.

Peeta comes back into the kitchen and hands gale a drink before sitting on the sofa opposite us.

"Il also brought something for willow and Noah." he says picking up his bag from the floor.

"You didn't have to." peeta says.

"I wanted to and il explain why." he says pulling out two teddies one pink and one blue.

He holds them unsure what to do before looking at me.

"Willow, noah" I say getting their attention.

They both look at me before standing and walking over to me.

"Look what gale got you." I say before looking at gale.

He hands noah his teddy then willow hers.

They both smile really happy before giving him a hug.

"Thanks." I say because willow and Noah can't exactly say that themselves

"It's fine." gale answers smiling.

"I decide to come over not just on my behalf but for skylars, she shouldn't of said them things to you katniss and she shouldn't of bothered you and peeta at the bakery." he says explaining himself.

"It's fine gale, it's happened now and she's gone so don't worry." I say trying to make him feel better.

The way Skylar acted wasn't his fault.

"I should of got to know her better before bringing her over." he says watching willow and Noah play with the teddies.

"Their getting so big." he says suddenly.

"I know." I say sadly before looking at peeta who smiles at me.

"You ever thought of having more?" Gale wonders.

The look on my face but have been funny because gale and peeta can't seem to stop laughing.

"Erm I'm not sure." I say not knowing what else to say.

I've never really thought about having anymore.

There's always a chance that it's going to be twins again and 4 kids is quite a lot.

Especially for me who never thought of having one.

"What about you?" I ask gale trying to move me from the centre.

"Maybe one day, I've got to meet the right person before that happens." he says before smiling.

"You will soon enough." peeta says before I have the chance to.

"I hope." gale says before taking a long drink.

"So what are you going to do now?" I wonder.

"Look for a job maybe, enjoy single life ." he says before laughing to himself.

"I'm glad your feeling okay." I say honestly.

"I can't mope around all day, I need to move on." he tells me but I know it's true.

He needs to have fun meet new people.

Although I couldn't say the same for me.

If it were for peeta there's no way I'd be able to move on so fast.

I decide to stop thinking about the sad things and think about now.

I have my family, Haymitch and gale.

Although things aren't perfect they are good enough for me.

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