Christmas shopping

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"Katniss it will be okay." peeta says trying to reassure me.

We have decided to go Christmas shopping and to do that we need to take Willow and Noah with us.

They haven't been out in public view yet and I'm really nervous.

"I know but I'm just nervous." I tell him honestly.

"I'm gonna be here and nothing will happen to them." peeta says strapping the baby carrier onto him self with Noah inside.

I have one will willow infront of me so I can see where she is.

We decided to get baby carriers instead of taking the pushchair since we are going inside shops.

"I just don't want everyone staring at them or make them scared." I say holding Willows small hands in mine.

"If too many people get close , I will ask them to move back." Peeta says making me feel calmer.

"Thank you." I say thankfully.

"You ready to go?" he asks grabbing some money.

"I suppose." I reply smiling.

He gives me a peck on the lips before we leave the house.

We hold hands walking through the victors village.

I still feel abit nervous but I know no one will harm my babies because they are attached to me and peeta safely.

Once we leave the victors village and come in view with the shops I start breathing fast.

"Katniss, look it's alright." peeta says squeezing my hand.

As we continue smiling loads of people smile but don't come over to bother us.

A few people comment on how beautiful Willow and Noah are but nobody crowds us which I'm grateful for.

Me and peeta smile and thank everyone who say sweet things about our children.

"See katniss, it's fine they aren't going to crowd us." peeta says smiling.

"I know that now, I just didn't before." I say as we come to a shop.

We walk inside and seeing the Christmas decorations we decide to go to that isle first.

We order a few Christmas presents for Annie, Johanna and my mom.

We also get Haymich a special something for always been here for us through everything.

We get some presents for the babies but I know we will need new clothes for them since they are getting bigger.

They can't have big toys since they are only little so we get things that babies aged 6-18 months since they will be 6 months at Christmas.

We get Finn a new school bag since we know Annie doesn't have one yet.

She was complaining on the phone to me yesterday saying she couldn't find one for him.

"Is that enough from here?" peeta wonders.

"Yeah, let's go pay." i reply.

We go to the counter and pay for the things that we are taking home now.

We put in a order for the supplies we can't carry for example a Christmas tree.

I'm really excited for Christmas this year since its Willow and Noahs first Christmas.

I'm going to make sure it's going to be the best Christmas possible for them.

I didn't have Christmas when I was little because we didn't have no money.

But I didn't really need toys since I had more things to worry about.

"Your babies are beautiful. " the woman says snapping me out my thoughts.

"Thank you." me and peeta both thank together.

"Have a great Christmas." she smiles nicely.

"You to." I reply waving bye.

We go to the next shop not having any bother.

Thankfully in just one stressful day we get everyone's presents sorted but there's still one more thing.

What am I going to get peeta?

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