Good riddens to bad rubbish

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I stand there for a moment totally shocked then suddenly I'm angry.

"What do you want gale?" I spit back annoyed.

"Just coming to the party to see my dear friend and her dog." he says sarcastically.

When he says 'dog' he looks up to Peeta giving him a horrible look making me want to punch him right there.

"He's not a 'dog' he's my husband, get it right." I say putting my hands on my hips.

"No you get it right, you should of married me." he says loudly.

"No I shouldn't have because I don't love you." I say using the same tone.

"You do love me, you just don't want Peeta to hear." he says grabbing my arm.

"If I Loved you I wouldn't of married Peeta." I say pulling my arm out of his grip.

"I think you should leave him and come and live with me where you will actually be happy." gale says making me mad.

"Well excuse me gale but I am happy." I say truthfully.

"You don't look happy." he replies.

"That's because your here." I say trying not to smile.

I can't believe that this is what it's come to.

Me and gale were so close and now I don't like breathing the same air as him.

He's change and it hasn't been for the good and now I feel scared of him.

He steps closer to me and I put my foot on the door stopping him.

"That's close enough." I hear Peeta say from behind me.

"Yeah, well what are you going to do bakers boy?" Gale questions looking angry.

"Calm down there is a child here." I say making sure Finn isn't harmed.

"Oh don't say you've had a kid." gale says looking like he's going to start a fight.

"Hardly considering you seen me 3 months ago and I wasn't pregnant then i don't thinks it's possible to have a nearly 4 year old kid within 2 months." I say making a point.

I hear Peeta, Annie and Johanna laugh behind me witch makes gale get angrier.

"What are you laughing at?" gale askes pushing me out of the way to get to Peeta.

"Don't touch her." Peeta says pulling me close to him.

As gale is about to grab Peeta by the neck he's suddenly back out the door.

"Get any closer and you will have an axe through your face." I hear Johanna say.

"Yeah wow I'm scared." gale says grinning.

"Do you find this funny?" Johanna askes getting closer to his face.

"I wasn't laughing, I smiled." gale says smirking.

"Well if I was you I would wipe that smile of your face before I do it for you." she says pushing him away.

"Is there a problem over here." I hear a voice say.

I look over to see 2 peacekeepers walking over to our house.

"Yes this man is annoying us and we think that he's dangerous since there is a child inside." Peeta answers.

"We would like him removed from our property." I continue hoping he will be took away.

"Right, move it please." a peacekeeper says grabbing gale by the arm.

"Make me." He says looking at the peacekeeper.

"Fine by us." the opposite says.

They both grab each of gales arms pulling him away from out house.

"Good riddens to bad rubbish, that's what I say." Johanna says making her way back into the house.

"Thank you." I say thankfully to her.

"Anytime, I love using my axe." she answers smiling.

We spend more time tiding up before Annie and Johanna decide to take Finn home.

We thank them once again before walking them to the door.

"Goodbye katniss and Peeta, we will see you soon." Annie says hugging us both once more.

"Bye lovebirds." Johanna answers smirking as she walks down the steps.

"Bye lovebirds." Finn shouts making us all laugh.

"Bye Finn, we will see you before you leave for home." I answer.

Once they are out of view we close the front door before walking in the living room.

"Do you think gale will come back?" I ask Peeta scared.

"No, well defiantly not insides the gates of the victors village." Peeta asks making me happier.

"Peeta, I'm scared of him." I say sadly.

"Oh hunny it's okay, I won't let him hurt you, I promise you." Peeta says hugging me.

"I love you." I tell him resting my head on his shoulder.

"I love you to." Peeta says wrapping his arms around me.

"What a day it's been." Peeta says smiling.

"It's good to be home."

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