Finn's birthday present

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"Katniss you ready?" I hear Peeta call from downstairs.

"Nearly, just getting my shoes." I reply looking for them.

I can't actually remember where I put them so instead I grab my trainers from the closet.

Today me and Peeta have decided to get Finns present since we are leaving in two days.

We are catching the train and heading to district 4 for Finns 4th birthday.

He is growing really quickly, I remember when he was first born.

Thinking about Finn as a newborn makes me think of my baby making me smile.

I make my way downstairs after putting on my trainers meeting Peeta at the bottom.

"Let's go." Peeta smiles grabbing my hand.

We drop Gus off with Haymitch since he's still not allowed to walk.

"What we going to get him?" Peeta asks as we walk out the gates of the victors village.

"I'm not sure, he really liked that stuffed dog we go him." I say honestly.

I smile at the thought of Finns cute little face when I give him that stuffed animal.

"We could get him a real dog." Peeta says making me look at him.

"Yeah Annie would love that." I say sarcastically.

"Okay maybe we should get him something smaller." Peeta smiles looking at me.

We arrive at a few new shops that have recently been opened.

"Let's look in here first?" Peeta asks pointing to a new big store.

"Sure." I reply thinking about what I could get the small child.

We walk over to the toy part of the store to look around.

"He likes dressing up so maybe we could get him a dress up costume." Peeta says making me smile.

"Perfect, he likes Spider-Man." I says truthfully.

Gladly there is a Spider-man costume aged 4-5 perfect size for Finn.

Peeta carries the costume while we have a longer look around.

We pick a card for Finn that says happy 4th birthday little monster and has a cute picture of a monster on the front that is as cute as Finn.

"What about that?" I question to an amazing looking electric car.

"Wow that is cool." Peeta says is awe.

"Should we get him that?" I ask looking at the price.

£45 not bad.

"Do you think we will be able to carry it to the train?" Peeta ask concerned.

"Sure we can, Haymitch can help." I laugh.

We start to make our way to the front to ask the store lady so she can get it off the stand.

One the way something catches my eye making me stop.

I walk over to the baby clothes amazed by how cute they are.

I start smiling thinking about my baby and how happy I am to be having it.

I would consider getting something but I don't know whether it's a boy or a girl yet.

Peeta realises where I've gone and sharing the same smile he joins me.

"We can come back when we find out what were having." Peeta says wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I can't wait." I say honestly.

"That makes to of us." Peeta replies kissing me.

We stop when we remember we are still in the store and leave to ask the lady about the car.

After speaking with the store owner and paying for the costume we leave.

The car is going to be delivered to our home tonight so we don't have to carry it.

Peeta said that we would manage but they insisted.

They spoke about everything we had done helping their families have a better future so we agreed.

We walk back home speaking to a few people on the way.

I stop Peeta at the flower store deciding to get some primroses for prim.

The last time Peeta asked me if I wanted to I broke down.

But that wasn't long after she had died and Peeta and I weren't officially together.

"Are you sure?" Peeta asks concerned for me.

"Positive." I reply handing over the money to the shop owner.

Holding Peetas hand we make our way into the grave yard.

Prims is one of the nearest ones to the gate followed by my father.

Not far along is Peetas family.

I go over to Prims grave, kissing the flowers before placing them down by her grave.

"I miss you little duck, although you wouldn't really be that little anymore." I mumble to myself.

Even though she's not alive I can still feel her presence near me making me smile.

"I wish you could be here and see your niece or nephew when she/ he arrives. I hope you and dad are looking after each other up there and I really miss you." I say feeling Peeta come up behind me.

I sit by her grave for a moment before standing up.

"I promise that il come and see you soon I just wish things could be different." I say before making my way to Peeta.

Peeta hugs me close when I think about his family.

"Do you want to speak to yours?" I question pulling back to look at him.

"We will come back another time, it's getting cold." he says rubbing my arms.

I decide not to push him because I know he's hurting as well.

We make our way out of the grave yard and back into the victors village just as the truck arrives.

I quickly collect Gus from Haymitch's house and bring him back home to get some food and sleep.

Peeta helps the man carry the car into the kitchen and with Peetas help we wrap that and the costume up.

I pull out the card and start to write a mini message in.

"Happy birthday little man, hope you have a brilliant day Lots of love from uncle Peeta and auntie katniss, stay super!"

Thank you so much for 70k reads I can't believe it.

I remember when I first reach 1k and that doesn't even seem 5 minutes ago.

Also thank you for voting and reading my story it really means a lot. 💞

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