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I wake up feeling content in my husbands arms.

I remember the conversation we had last night and I'm so happy.

Happy that I could finally talk about my problems with skylar.

I realise we are in our bed upstairs.

Peeta must of carried me up here last night because I swear we feel asleep downstairs after talking.

I feel Peetas arms tighten around me before I feel his soft lips on my cheek.

"You awake katniss?" He whispers into my hair.

"Yeah." I say turning around to face him.

"Morning beautiful." he says pecking my lips softly.

"Morning handsome." I reply putting my head on his chest.

"You feeling better this morning?" He wonders playing with my hair.

"I'm much better thank you, is it me or did we fall asleep downstairs?" I question looking up at him.

"Good and yes you fell asleep but you didn't look comfortable so I brought you up here." he smiles.

"Surprised I didn't wake up." I say wide eyes.

"You must of been really tired, you were like a baby." he says making me giggle.

"I think I'm a bit big to be a baby." I point out.

"Maybe so but your as cute as a baby." he says hugging me closer.

We enjoy the time we have alone before we hear noah and willow shouting.

"It was fun while it lasted." peeta says meaning to the silence.

"It was but I don't regret it." I say honestly climbing out of bed.

"Me neither." peeta agrees as I grab my dressing gown.

Peeta opens the curtains while I go to meet our children.

They are both happily sitting in their cots waiting to be let out.

"Morning kiddies." I say opening their curtains to let in the bright sun.

Peeta soon joins me in their bedroom before we take them downstairs.

We put them in their highchairs and Peeta starts breakfast.

I make them a cup of milk each before pouring some juice for me and Peeta.

"You at the bakery today?" I ask setting the table.

"Yeah but I don't have to go." he says turning to face him.

"No you should and I was thinking." I say drifting off not sure if it's a good idea.

"You were thinking what?" He asks as I walk closer to him.

"Maybe I could bring willow and noah?" I ask hopefully.

Peetas face lights up straight away.

"I think that's a great idea." he smiles pulling me closer to peck my lips softly.

"Okay I should go and get ready." I say pulling away.

"Don't take long, bacon is nearly ready." he calls as I reach the stairs.

"Il be quick." I shout rushing to get changed.

I change my pjs and put on some clean clothes before pushing my hair.

I then put my clothes in the dirty laundry before going to willow and Noahs room.

I pick out some clothes for them each before taking them down stairs and putting them in the living room for after breakfast.

I join Peeta back in the kitchen and he smiles once he's ready.

He pulls out the seat wanting me to sit down.

"Thank you." I say kindly.

"Your welcome." he says putting a plate in front of me containing bacon, toast and egg.

Peeta gives willow and noah some toast and beans since they eat them easier.

He then takes a seat next to me and we dig in.

Once we are finished Peeta does the dishes and I take willow and Noah into the living room to get changed.

"Come on willow" I say trying to put on her t shirt which she is refusing to.

I get an idea and start tickling her and he laughs straight away.

I finally get her t shirt on and see Peeta coming into the living room.

"What's all the laughter about?" He wonders smiling

"Willow wouldn't get dressed so I tickled her and it worked." I say happy with myself.

"Aw so she's ticklish just like her mother." he says poking my side making me laugh.

"Cause you can talk." I say giving him a look.

"I'm not ticklish." he says trying not to smile.

"Is that right." I say leaning down to grab his food but he pulls away smiling widely.

"That's what I thought." I laugh.

We get willow and Noahs jackets and put on their small shoes before putting them into their pushchair.

Me and Peeta get ready and he grabs some ingredients before joining me in the hallway.

"You ready to go?" He asks holding the pushchair.

"Ready." I reply.

We leave the house and walk through the victors village holding hands.

We walk into the bakery smiling brightly.

Today's going to be a great day!

Thank you so much for all the nice comments people are leaving.

It really makes my day reading all the sweet comments you guys say! Thank you.

You love me real or not real?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora