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I wake up in bed with the covers tucked around me.

Peeta must of done this before he left because they normally end up on the floor.

I check the clock seeing it's exactly 11 meaning I only have a few hours to get things ready.

I phoned Jonny late last night when Peeta was taking a shower telling him to keep Peeta at work late.

I needed him too so I had time to get everything ready for tomorrow.

Peetas birthday.

I realise I haven't moved from the bed and smile to myself.

I pull the blankets off and get ready pulling on jeans and a t - shirt.

I pull my favourite jumper I got off Peeta for Christmas over the top to keep warm.

As normal Peeta has left breakfast for me.

This time instead of pancakes he's left bacon and sausages.

I decide I need to get going so I put the bacon and sausages inside a bread bun so I can eat it on the go.

I place my shoes on and head out the door making my first stop to the local shop for food for tomorrow.

I get more bread for sandwiches, biscuits, fruit, salad and crisps.

I also buy two bottles of lemonade to drink while we are at the meadow.

The weather says it should be sunny so I'm sure the meadow will be hot.

I take the supply's back home and grab the picnic basket placing the supply's inside then putting it in the fridge.

I check the time seeing that Peeta will be home in 4 hours at 6 which is longer than normal.

I then go to the pet shop to buy some things for the puppy I will be collecting later.

I get a water bowl, food bowl, red collar, leash, dog food and a small bed since it's a puppy.

Also I get a few dog toys, chewys, treats and a brush.

The pet shore sells dog carriers so I decide to buy that when I get the puppy.

I pay and leave the store making my way slowly to the victors village not wanting to drop anything.

"You okay sweetheart?" I hear a familiar voice.

"Yeah Haymitch, why you ask?" I question confused.

"You've gone past my house 4 times." he answers.

"Is that a problem with you?" I ask suddenly feeling angry.

"No, no just wondering what's up." he says putting his hands up.

"I'm sorry, just getting dog stuff for our new puppy." I say honestly.

"Your getting a dog?" Haymitch asks surprised.

"Yeah, for Peetas birthday." I answer smiling.

"Well I like dogs so if you ever need someone to watch the little thing I will." he replies.

"Thank you and I might need you to watch him tomorrow cause I'm taking Peeta to the meadow." I say nearly dropping the supplies.

"Fine with me, il let you go. looks Like your going to drop them." Haymitch says laughing.

"Thanks for the hand." I reply sarcastically before heading home.

I take the dog supplies upstairs to the spare room.

Since our house is in the victors village it's quite big.

Apart from mine and Peetas room it has another 5 spare bedrooms.

Two bathrooms, a massive living room and kitchen.

A dining room, training room and other rooms I don't take much interest in.

I put the dog stuff in the furthest room away knowing Peeta won't go in there.

I set them out nicely so everything is organised.

I check the time showing Peeta will be home soon so I quickly go back downstairs to the living room.

I think of the other things I need to do while I get Peeta in the shower.

Collect the puppy and collect the cake.

I'm only sitting on the couch for 5 minutes before a very happy Peeta walks through the door.

So it's nearly time to meet the new puppy.

What should it be called?

I've got a few names I like which are:





Anyone like these? Or any other ideas? Just comment 😄

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