Decorations and presents

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"Peeta we need to drop the kids off at Haymitchs." I say rushing into the hallway to grab my coat.

"Katniss, calm down. We have plenty of time." peeta says appearing at the doorway with willow and noah ready behind him.

"We won't have time, its nearly 1." I say glancing at the clock that's above the door.

"We have all afternoon." peeta answers pulling on his black shoes.

It's two days before willow and Noahs birthday and guests are arriving tomorrow.

The problem is we haven't gotten the chance to get any decorations or presents for the children yet.

Haymitch has been busy all week so he couldn't watch them but today he's free.

I check around the house once more making sure I have my money and everything we need.

"Right lets go." peeta says opening to the door and we all pile out.

"Peeta were forgotten something." I say staring at the front door.

"What have we forgotten?" He wonders then I hear a bark.

"Gus!" I exclaim opening the door and he rushed out to my feet.

"Katniss, he will be fine alone for a few hours." peeta smiles looking down at the now big puppy.

"Peeta, the last time we left him alone he ate my t shirt" I grin and peeta laughs at the memory.

I grab his lead off the counter and connect it to his collar before shutting the door.

Since Haymich lives next door it only takes a few seconds and were there.

Just as peeta is about to knock the door flys open

"Hi peanuts, I've missed you." Haymich says leaving down to give willow and noah a hug.

Gus starts barking out of jealously and I lean down to give him a kiss and he shuts up.

"When do you want us to pick them up?" Peeta questions as willow and Noah run into the house.

"Take your time, just come back when your ready." haymitch smiles stepping inside the house.

"Their kind of hyper, I think they know it's nearly their birthday." peeta laughs and we both join in.

"In that case, come back in an hour" Haymich jokes.

"Well we will see you later." I say lacing my fingers through Peetas.

"Bye love birds, have fun." he smiles before closing the door.

We take a quite walk through the victors village before we arrive at the Main Street.

It's not to busy since most of the kids will be at school.

There's still a few people nocking about and they smile politely and say hello but no one bothers us.

"Can we take gus in?" Peeta asks and I think.

"Il just carry him." I say leaning down to pick him up.

"He can't do anything if I've got a hold of him." I reply as we arrive at the stores.

We decide to go into the birthday shop since that will have most of the stuff we need.

We have a look around and I spot some cards hanging on a stand.

I make my way over to the cards with Gus still in my arms.

He doesn't seem bothered about been carried which I'm grateful for otherwise he'd be barking all the time.

I hear peeta come up behind me and we both take a look at the many cards.

"Do you want to get one for noah and il get one for willow?" I ask turning to look at him briefly.

"Sure, I like this one." he says picking up a cute blue card with a car on the front which is good because noah likes cars.

"Il get this one for willow." I say picking up a pink card with a little cute teddy on the front.

"Perfect." peeta says and we go to the banners.

We get a few banners that say 'happy 2nd birthday'

We take the cards and banners to the counter and before I can pay peeta has already handed the man his card.

"Cute dog." he smiles scanning the items.

"Thanks." I answer smiling back.

He puts the items in a bag and peeta carries it out the shop with me and Gus following him.

We then spot a children clothes and toy shop and we decide that's the next best place to look.

Peeta gets giving what is apparently called a basked as soon as we enter.

We go straight to the clothes and pick out a few outfits each for willow and Noah.

While peeta is looking I spot the newborn baby clothes and I can't help but have a look.

I still remember when we first came shopping for baby clothes when I was pregnant with willow and noah.

That seems ages ago now, time really does go by fast.

"What you doing?" Peeta asks softly putting his chin on my shoulder.

"Just looking." I reply before turning to face him.

"Something you want to tell me?" Peeta smirks and I laugh.

"Something you want to tell me?" I ask in the same tone before poking his stomach.

"Hey this is for when i hibernate." he smirks pointing to his stomach.

"Yeah yeah" I say walking away to the toy part of the store.

We get them a few toys each, something new to play with.

We get willow and dolly and a small pushchair, just big enough for her hight.

We also get her a Peppa pig set since she loves watching it on tv.

We get noah a big car set since he's only got a few cars from Christmas.

We also get him a big building blocks set and a funny tunnel for willow and Noah to share.

We take them to the front and the items get scanned and placed into bags for us.

Peeta carries two and I carry one since I've got Gus still in my arms.

"Are we sorted?" Peeta asks as we leave the shop.

"I think so." I answer placing Gus back onto the floor so he can walk.

"On what about the cake?" I wonder totally forgetting peeta owns a bakery and is amazing a baking and cooking.

"Already sorted." peeta smiles walking in front of me.

"Really, can I see it?" I wonder getting excited.

"You can see it when noah and willow sees it." he replies and I pout.

"Not going to work this time" peeta laughs but still pecks my lips anyway making me smile.

I guess il just have to wait.

Didn't do science and English test today since school had a power cut so it was shut.

I'm ill again so sorry if this is a bad chapter.

You love me real or not real?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora