Arriving at district 4

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I woke up when I felt the sun shining on my face through the train curtains.

I tried to roll over so I could get out of bed and use the toilet but I couldn't move anywhere.

I looked down to see Peetas arms tightly wrapped around me not letting me move anyway.

I turn to face Peeta as best as I could to see he was still sleeping.

I smiled at him because he looked so cute sleeping with his hair all messed up.

"Peeta." I whisper trying to wake him up so that I could get up.

"Peeta, wake up." I say a little louder because when I whispered he didn't move a muscle.

This didn't work though because speaking louder make him wrap his arms tighter around me.

I smiled but I could hardly breath anymore.

I pulled at one of his arms and in seconds his blue eyes join my grey ones.

"Mmmm, where do you think your going?" he asks smiling.

"To the toilet, I couldn't get your arms off of me." I say climbing out of bed.

"Sorry your just too cuddly." Peeta smirks as I go to the bathroom.

I decide to take a shower as well because we will be arriving at district around lunch today.

I wash my hair and my body and dry myself of quickly so I could get back to Peeta.

When I walk out the bathroom dressed in jeans and a hoodie I see Peeta eating pancakes on the bed.

He must of got dressed when I was in the shower cause he's ready and the bags are packed ready to get off the train.

I see that he hasn't noticed me so I quietly walk behind him and grabbed a pancake off the top.

"Oy, what do you think your doing?" Peeta asked turning around and smirking at me.

"Nothing!" I say with my mouth full with pancake.

"These aren't as good as yours." I say frowning.

"How good are mine?" Peeta asks pulling me down so I'm sitting on his knee.

"Very very good." I answer resting my head on his shoulder.

"Better than my cheese buns?" Peeta asks teasing me.

I know he's doing this on purpose because nothing's better than Peetas cheese buns.

Except maybe his strew but I've loved that every since I was little.

"Nothing's better than your cheese buns, well actually everything you make is great." I answer Peeta honestly.

"Aww your not a bad cook you know" Peeta says nicely.

"Are you joking? I think I'm the worse ever." I say scoffing.

"Your not you just need a little help." he says trying to make me feel better.

"Or a lot of help." I mumble looking away from him.

Peeta turns my face so that I'm facing him again and he brings his lips to mine.

It's a sweet kiss and gentle but still brings the same feeling as any other kiss I share with Peeta.

Just as I'm starting to get more in to it we hear the announcer on the speaker.

"Passengers to district 4 please get ready to leave the train. We will be at the station in approximately 3 minutes."

We pull away but quickly peck on the lips before smiling at each other.

"You ready for our honeymoon?" Peeta questions still smiling.

"I'm ready." I answer standing up and pulling Peeta up with me.

We grab our bags from the floor and walk through to the front of the train.

We get their just in time for it pulling into the station.

The doors open and Peeta grabs my hand as we step out into district 4.

The sun is shining this mid day and it's perfect and the most beautiful thing ever.

We walk out holding hands, together ready for the events to come.

Sorry this is kinda short but I will be updating a longer chapter tomorrow. Hope you like the chapter anyway.

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