Return to district 12

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I wake up to Peeta shaking me and I realise we are still on the train.

"Come on katniss, the train gets to district 12 in an hour." Peeta answers stroking my long hair.

"I'm too tired." I complain pulling the blankets tighter around my body.

"Come on lazy, I promise you can sleep as soon as we get home." Peeta answers trying to convince me to move.

"Fine." I say kicking the covers off of my body.

I turn to face Peeta and see that he's already dressed.

"When did you get up?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"About 20 minutes ago, I was going to get you up then but decided you could just rest longer." Peeta answers sitting down next to me.

He leans over and gives me a kiss on the lips saying good morning better.

"Why don't you go take a shower while I order some quick breakfast." Peeta asks.

"Do I smell or something?" I ask jokingly.

"Well you always smell nice but I bet you will fall asleep as soon as you get home." Peeta says smiling.

"True, okay il go." I say climbing out of bed.

I grab some clothes on the way remembering last night.

"I was hoping you were going to forget those." I hear Peeta giggle behind me.

"Just shut up you." I say sticking out my tongue.

Just before I close the door I see Peeta picking up the phone to order breakfast.

"Pancakes please." I call from the doorway.

"Like id ever forget." Peeta calls back just before I shut the bathroom door.

I pull of my clothes and jump into the shower which is wonderfully warm like always.

I sigh when the water runs through my hair and use strawberry shampoo that smells amazing.

Once I'm finished I step out of the shower and start drying my body thoroughly.

I let my hair down naturally curly which Peeta likes best.

I pull on my clothes and spray some perfume I got a while ago.

I decide against makeup since I'm to tired to care but after the shower I'm felling much better.

I collect the rest of my things to put back into the suitcase and walk out the bathroom.

When I walk out I see Peeta sitting at the table and he looks up when he sees me.

"Hey beautiful." he says cheerfully.

"I feel like a tired dog so I don't know what your talking about." I say putting the stuff inside the suitcase.

"Well what you feel and what I see is a totally different thing." he answers making me smile.

Just before he can answer there's a knock on the door and Peeta jumps up to answer it.

A few seconds later someone comes in putting our breakfast set up nicely on the table.

We both thank the man and Peeta pays and gives a tip for his work.

"We arrive back home in just under 30 minutes so we better get started." Peeta says as I sit down.

We eat up the pancakes and drink the orange juice with tastes lovely.

It doesn't take long because we were both starving so we quickly finish up.

We pack away anything else we had left around the room into the suitcase ready for the train stopping.

I'm about to check the bathroom once more when the train stops suddenly making me fall.

Peeta looks really worried but starts laughing once he realises I find it funny.

"Oh my gosh katniss." Peeta says nearly on the floor.

"Well come and help me up." I say still giggling.

In seconds Peeta is at my side helping me of the floor when a speaker runs through the train.

"Attention passengers, we have arrived at district 12 please leave the train."

"Well that's us." Peeta says grabbing a suitcase.

I grab the other and after one more quick look around we leave the train.

Luckily there was no one outside the train station so we got home quite quickly.

"It's nice to be back home" Peeta says as we enter the garden.

"Yeah me to, I've kind of missed this place." I answer honestly.

Peeta unlocks the door and we enter the house.

"Does something feel weird to you?" I ask Peeta looking around.

"Yeah something's not right." Peeta answers as we place the suitcases down by the stairs.

We walk into the living room together and see a large poster hanging on the wall.


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