Present and surprise

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I wake up feeling happy but frown when I feel the empty space next to me.

I roll over to the opposite side of the bed to see what the time is.


Wow I've slept in late. It must have something to do with the fact that me and Peeta didn't get to bed until around 2 this morning.

I decide to get up and go and see where Peeta is since he's not in bed cuddling like we were last night before we fell asleep after the long day at the beach.

I drag myself out of bed and go downstairs but don't find Peeta in sight.

I'm confused to why he's not here and start to panic but I see a note has been left by him.

I walk over to the table where the note had been left and also see a bowl with cheese buns placed nicely inside.

My stomach grumbles just looking at them but I remember I need to read the note.


I've gone out early today to get you a present, should be back around 3. I've also got a surprise planned out and I'm sorry I left before you woke up but you would of wanted to come with me then it wouldn't of been a surprise anymore.

Love you and will see you later beautiful, love Peeta.

Ps: enjoy the cheese buns, don't worry I would never forget.

I smiled at the last part about the cheese buns but was confused to what surprise Peeta was talking about.

I decided to just wait until tonight and sat down at the table to enjoy my cheese buns.

After awhile I decide I need to take a shower since I didn't get the chance to last night.

Getting all of the sand out of my hair feels good and the amount that's came out doesn't surprise me since I was rolling around in the sand yesterday like a dog.

I bet with all this sand I could make my own beach.

When I walk out the shower I wrap a massive towel around me and shuffle to the door.

I forgot to bring clothes into the bathroom so I need to go into the bedroom to get some.

I open the bathroom door and am surprised to see Peeta sitting on the bed.

He smiles once he sees me and pulls me onto the bed.

"Morning." Peeta says giving me a kiss.

"Morning, where did you get to this morning?" I ask him sitting on his lap.

"Do you really want to know?" he questioned smiling.

"Please." I answer sweetly.

"Okay well I've booked at table at the new posh restaurant for 5." he answers making me smile.

"Really?" I ask him happily.

"Yeah and I've even bought you something to wear." he says handing me a bag.

I open it to see a beautiful blue dress inside. It's gorgeous.

I'm not normally a dress person but I can't deny that this is the best dress, apart from my wedding dress that I've ever seen.

"Thank you Peeta it's gorgeous." I say speechless.

"Not as gorgeous as you." Peeta answers making me look away with a red hot face.

"Are you going to be wearing a suit?" I question smirking.

"Yes I've picked out a very special one." he says smiling.

I look down to see I'm sitting with my towel on still naked underneath but I don't feel weird about it.

"Should I get changed now?" I ask Peeta.

"Yeah, il also get changed." Peeta answers as I stand up.

I give him a sweet kiss on the lips while holing my towel up with my left hand.

I grab the bag in my right hand a shuffle into the bathroom with Peeta giggling behind me.

This is going to be great night.

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