Last day

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Today I wake up feeling sadder than usual. Today's the day we are going back home.

I suppose it's not a totally bad thing because we get to see our friends.

But it would of been nice to stay in the beautiful sun a little longer.

I feel Peeta kissing my neck showing that he's now awake.

"You up yet katniss?" Peeta whispers in my ear.

"Yeah, just thinking." I say turning over to face him.

"Anything important?" he asks concerned.

"No just sad about going home." I say putting on a puppy dog look on my face.

"We can always come back another time." he says before pecking my lips making me smile.

"I know. I guess I'm kind of excited to see everyone." I say truthfully.

"Yeah me to, we better get going. The train leaves at 2." Peeta says hugging me close to him.

I look over to the clock and see that it's nearly 10.30 but I'm still strangely tired.

Peeta gets out of bed while I just stay closing my eyes shut again.

"Come on katniss." Peeta says laughing quietly.

"No it's too early." I say into the pillow but he must of heard because he answers.

"Too early? Baby it's half 10." he answers giggling.

"Doesn't feel like it." I say turning my face to look at him.

"Come on get out or I will drag you out." Peeta says trying to get me up.

"But it's nice and warm in here." I say making up excuses just to say in bed.

"I guess il just have to tickle you then, maybe that will get you up." Peeta says.

I don't believe him at first because I can't hear any movement but when I feel the bed dip I'm soon out.

"Okay, okay I'm up but I'm not happy about it." I say pretending to be grumpy.

"Your so cute when your mad." Peeta says teasing me.

"Don't start." I say but end up cracking a smile.

We get changed and head downstairs for breakfast.

It doesn't take long for Peeta to cook and before we know it, it's 12.30.

"We need to go and pack everything." Peeta says moving my legs off of his.

"Hey I was comfy like that." I complain groaning.

"Come on lazy bum." Peeta says.

Before I have a chance to move I'm picked up off of the sofa and carried upstairs.

"Ahhh Peeta." I say shocked at the sudden movement.

"Calm down, I'm not gonna drop you." Peeta says. "maybe" he adds making me scared.

"You better not." I shout seriously.

"I won't I promise, your too light to drop anyways." he answers as we reach the top.

"I can walk you know." I say as he opens the bedroom door just holding me with one arm.

"I know but your not heavy so it doesn't bother me." he says plopping me on the bed.

We start packing all of the clothes but I don't really help much.

I kind of just dump them in without folding them making Peeta do more work.

"Katniss, if you do that one more time, I'm not gonna feed you for a week." Peeta says joking.

"That's okay, il just go hunting." I say sticking my tongue out.

"Do you even know how to fold clothes?" Peeta asks placing another into the suit case.

"Yeah I'm just been lazy." I say truthfully because I honestly am.

We finally finish packing two suitcases but they don't have much room left.

Then I remember that we hadn't put in all the gifts we got for out friends.

"Erm Peeta." I say looking at him.

"What's up?" he asks.

"We didn't put in these." I say holding up the bag, two bags or even 5 bags of gifts we forgot to pack.

I hear Peeta groan making me laugh.

"There's no room now, what we going to do?" Peeta asks looking at them.

"We could always just carry them, I mean they could easily get smashed in the suitcase anyway." I tell him.

"You, have a good plan." Peeta points out giving me a kiss.

"So is that everything we need to take back with us?" I ask scared we forgot something.

"Yeah il even go check around once more just to make sure." Peeta says walking over to the door.

I pick up the bags and take them downstairs and leave the suitcases for Peeta to bring down.

Knowing me if I did it, the clothes would be all over the floor.

I hear a bang on the bottom of the stairs showing Peeta has brought them down.

"Right, that's defiantly everything." Peeta says grabbing the keys of the counter.

"Positive?" I ask still worried.

"More than positive." Peeta says reassuring me.

We each grab a suitcase each and leave the house having one last look before we go.

"I'm gonna miss this place." I tell Peeta feeling sad again.

"Don't worry, we will be back again shortly." Peeta says making me happy again.

We take a short walk to the train station.

Speaking to some people on the way.

When we arrive we get our tickets and take a seat next to where our train will come into the station.

"You ready to go back home and see everyone?" Peeta asks taking my hand.

"I'm ready." I answer just before our train comes slowly into the station.

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