173. Take Me Home

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"Little brother you've grown much skinnier than the last time I set my eyes on you. Should I assume Stan has is failing at his responsibilities as your marker?"

"Mijin, why are you here?"

"I was hurt when I first came to the knowledge of your wedding arrangements, hoping you'll be the one to break the news to me but it seems you were reluctant to share the good news with me. Therefore, you'll have to excuse me if I didn't bring you anything nice so consider my presence a generous gift."

"How did you know where I live?"

"Questions after questions. Don't you care a little concerning my well being?" 

"You left without a word..."

"I told you I was planning on leaving earlier. Why are you acting offended when I was the victim?"

"Mijin, you did a number of despicable things... it's not like you left while in good terms with anyone."

"Princess... I mean Haesol, how is she?" Mijin asked, seeming frustrated. She'd expected a cold welcomed from Stan but not Yeon. Additionally, there was something oddly off with her brother, a lack of excitement for the wedding and her presence combined.

"You'll have to ask Mom and Dad concerning her. I haven't visited them in a while."

"Did something happen? You seem edgy and your scent was lingering in the air, as if you were upset about something."

"You're the last person I had expected to see today so excuse my shock at the sight of you."

Mijin sneered, unconvinced by her brother's explanation but chose not to press on. Shrugging her shoulders, she stated her purpose. "I came to pick you so pack up. We are going home."

"Home where?"

"To mom and dad. You're getting married in a week therefore you can't be with Stan until then. "

"Why would I tag along with you? Mom and dad never mentioned this." Yeon said, seeming suspicious.

"Don't you trust me?"


"Fair enough. It's not like I was ever nice to you anyway." Mijin chuckled then began walking around the livingroom, ignoring Stan's intense glare while he made a sandwich.

"Your place looks nice and homey. It has been a while since I was in one of these, I'd say I do feel your parents presence in the air." Leaning onto the kitchen counter, she stared at Stan in the eye and stated, "I wonder how you turned out to be such an overbearing snobby bastard..."

"Mijin," Yeon cut in, appearing behind his sister. "You said you came here to pick me up. You can proceed alone and let mom and dad know I'll join later."

"That's not up for negotiations, unless you'd rather I stay here instead for a week before you two do your thing. Honestly, I'd prefer the latter. I'm a bit jetlagged from my travels."

Within minutes, Yeon came out from his room with a bag pack and his laptop in his hand. He was about to rush down the stairs, worried about leaving his fated and his sister alone but the atmosphere in the air had had him confused. They were chatty as opposed to the previous tension that had been there before.

"When you add in pickles and a little bit of chili, the taste changers completely." Stan had said. "Yeon likes it so I figured you two share the same taste."

"You were right about that." Mijin said as she munched on the sandwich made by Stan. "We are both not picky when it comes to food, but how come I'd never heard tales of your cooking? You were pretty famous back in campus."

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