You/Alex Danvers - Mess

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"Agent (l/n), Director Danvers is asking for you

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"Agent (l/n), Director Danvers is asking for you."

"Me? Can't you go? I'm a little busy at the moment."

You lie. What you were doing could wait for another time. You just couldn't face Director Danvers after the disaster that you had done. In a tense situation, you had revealed more than you should've when she had saved you when they infiltrated the DEO. Before she could ask about it, you had run off with the excuse that you needed to protect the experiments in the lab before they could get to them. You were grateful that she had been called to deal with another situation or else she would've followed after you.

"Nope. She said that you were the one that she wanted to see....are the two of you hooking up or something? I tried to fill in for you but she was very insistent that you were the one that she wanted to see."

Your coworker smirks when they see how red you've gotten. It only meant one thing and one thing only.

"That's ridiculous. Why would someone like Director Danvers take a liking towards me? I'm sure that she's probably better suited with Sam Rojas or even the new Guardian. They both have better chemistry with her."

"I know you're not dumb because you have a PhD. Haven't you noticed how she treats you? Anything you ask for and you get it. You don't have to do the massive amount of paperwork that is given to us. All you have to do is bat your eyelashes and she's a goner. I think Director Danvers is whipped."

"You're not making any sense either. I think the fumes of the chemicals are getting to you. You should probably get some fresh air."

Your friend just rolls her eyes. She could now see why you hadn't dated anyone in years. You were clueless.

"Alright but you'll owe me if I'm right."

"I'm not going to owe you anything because you're wrong."


"Come in."

"You wanted to see me, Director Danvers,"

Alex looks up with a smile as she sees you at the door. She motions for you to come in and take a seat.

"I did. You're a very difficult person to track down considering that you're always holed up in your lab. If I didn't know any better, I would think that you were hiding from me."

"W..what? Hiding from you? That's crazy."

Alex raises her eyebrow at you as you call her crazy.

"Are you calling me crazy, Agent (l/n)?"

"No! I just think it's ridiculous that you would think that I was hiding from you. I mean you are the director of the facility. It would be impossible to hide if you worked here."

"That's correct. It would be impossible to hide from me but you somehow manage to accomplish that. Only someone that has something to hide would go to great lengths to remain hidden. Had I known that you would come to my office if I asked one of your colleagues to pass a message, I would've had you in my office within a few after the incident." She stood up from her chair and made her way around her desk so she could stand before you. Bending down, she places a finger under your chin and makes you look up at her. "But now that I have you here...." She can't help but smile when she sees you close your eyes and lean in just a little. Grabbing some files from behind her, she thrusts them in your hands. "I need you to go over these and report and let me know what you think."

You're a little disappointed about the lack of kiss and confused about what had happened. Looking down, you furrow your eyebrows as you look at the bolded 'CONFIDENTIAL' sign.

"What is it?"

"You can look over it in your office. You're dismissed."

With a sigh you nod and excuse yourself.


You left the folder till the end of the day to avoid being reminded about what happened at the office. Done with your work of the day, you forced yourself to open the folder and finally read the contents of what she had asked you to look over.

It's papers filed and signed by the director about being in a relationship with you that HR needed when two people that worked at the DEO would need to sign if they got into a relationship.

"What are you trying to get at with these papers, Director Danvers?"

You ask her as soon as she answers her phone.

"Well considering that I like you and you like me. I was thinking that I could take you on a date to see where things go."

"You want to go on a date with me?"

"That is correct."

"I thought you were messing with me in your office."

"Oh, I was. I like seeing how red your cheeks get. You look adorable."

"Shut up! That was mean. I'm not going on a date with you anymore."

"No wait! I was kidding. Please go on a date with me."

You keep quiet for a few seconds to make her wait in suspense.

"Alright. I'll go on a date with you but you'll have to make it up to me for what you did at your office. I thought you were going to kiss me."

"You have no idea how badly I wanted to kiss you. Don't worry, I'll definitely kiss you at our date."

"Then I can't wait."

You/Katie McGrath and other imagines (fxf) Book 4Where stories live. Discover now