Superfriends - Arrow

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AN: Not a fxf fic

J'onn was against asking for outside help

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J'onn was against asking for outside help. There was no reason to bother others when him and Supergirl around. Unfortunately, Kara was still in recovery and this mission was far too difficult for any of his agents or for him to go alone. He needed outside help.

" we're still gathering intel on the mission before we head out. In the meantime, you upgrade your gear or perhaps find something in our weapons safe for you to use."

"Thank you. I appreciate it."

"I should be thanking you. You're here to help me finish the mission."

You nod and he heads to leave you alone. The equipment at the DEO was just as advanced as yours, the only difference was that you only had things that were necessary to you. In their lab, they had all kinds of equipment that you could potentially use to upgrade your arrows.

Grabbing several items and a computer, you empty a desk and get to work on improving some of your arrows for the mission.


"I ask that you don't bother her, Winn. She's here to assist us and I don't want you to scare her off. She might not come back."

"I understand, sir. I'll just pop in to introduce myself and ask if she needs any help. If she doesn't need it then I'll just head out and leave her alone."

"Good. Carry on then."

J'onn heads to his office and Winn makes his way to the lab you were working in. Arriving, he finds you still at the desk. He can't really see your face as your back was facing him.

"Hey! My name is Winn. J'onn told me that you'll be here for a while. If you....."

He trails off when you turn around and he could see your face. He pinch himself, unable to believe his favorite hero was in front of him.

"Winn! It's nice to meet you. J'onn told me that I could...."

"Oh my god! It's you! It's actually you! I'm actually standing in front of (hero name)"

He yells a little too loudly, making you wince. You could've sworn the whole agency had managed to hear him. Despite your ringing ears, you give him a smile.

"I'm guessing you're a fan?"

"The biggest! Can I please get a picture? My friends are going to be so jealous."

"Uh sure." You set your things down as he makes his way over to you. You pose with him as he takes the picture. "Is that okay?"

"This is perfect!" He types some things on his phone and then puts it away. "So anything I can do to help?"


Kara and Lena are together when they receive the picture of you with Winn. Both of them gasp when they notice the background.

You/Katie McGrath and other imagines (fxf) Book 4Where stories live. Discover now