You/Kara Danvers - Mission

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You stared at Alex, trying to fully process what Alex had just told you

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You stared at Alex, trying to fully process what Alex had just told you.

"I'm sorry but did I hear you right? You wanted me to do anything it took to get the information out of him?"

"I normally wouldn't approve of such mission but if suspects anything then we'll lose time by trying to extract the information out of him. With J'onn gone, it'll take at least a day to get him talking."

"Alex, I don't think I can do this. I'm with Kara. She's not going to be okay with this mission."

"You leave my sister up to me. I'll tell her everything. Now go get ready, the gala will be in an hour. We can't waste time."


The light flirty was doing nothing and Alex kept insisting to kick it up a notch.

"I don't think I can do this Alex. I'm cheating on Kara."

"Kara will understand. Just find out everything that you can from him."

You sighed while quietly whispering a quiet 'sorry' as you held the engagement bracelet that Kara had given you. Making your way back to the man, you gave him a wide smile and kicked up your flirting by 100. Your touches were much more suggestive and so was your flirting. He was eating it all up that he even offered to take you back to the hotel.


"I'm keeping and eye on you. You'll be safe. Once you get him to confess everything, we'll kick down his door."

"I'm trusting you on this Alex. If anything goes wrong, it's all on you."

"Everything will be fine."

She replies as the man comes back with his car. Taking a deep breath, you slid into the backseat with him.


Kara was wondering. She would often tune into your heartbeat to calm her down while she was dealing with stressful situations but what she heard just made her stress levels go through the rough. Your heart was beating faster than she had ever heard. Speeding out of her apartment, Kara rushes to you, thinking that something was wrong.

As she arrived to where you were located, her heart broke in two with what she was seeing. Inside of the hotel room, you were currently straddling a half naked man and making out with him. Tears start to fall and she rushes back to her place to tune out everything. The two of you had just recently gotten engaged, she had never expected for you to do this to her and she had no idea what she had done to push you to this.


You let out a sigh of relief when he whispers to you what he had been up to. It was everything that Alex needed and the mission was finally offer. As promised, agents swarm into the hotel room and arrest the man.

"You did good out there. This is going to help us take down Cadmus."

"I'm going to say this once. Never put me in that position again. I would rather claw my eyes out than betray Kara like that. Now I'm going to go home and explain to my fiancée as to why we didn't include her in the plan."

You/Katie McGrath and other imagines (fxf) Book 4Where stories live. Discover now