You/Lena Luthor - Use Part 1

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"How long before the building explodes?"

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"How long before the building explodes?"

"5 minutes. That's if the fire doesn't quickly burn through everything. Don't you dare go in there, (y/n). You won't make it out on time."

"Lena, there's an agent stuck inside. I'm not going to turn my back on them."

"(y/n)! (y/n)!"

Lena continue to call you but you ignored her voice, simply focusing on making your way to Agent Davis. The smoke was making it hard for you to breathe and see but that didn't stop you. You could hear him calling for help and you rushed to where the sound of his voice was coming from. You're quick to find him and lead the two of you out the building. You both make it out on time, just as the bomb goes off. Not wanting for him to get further injured, you covered his body with yours as the force of the bomb knocked the two of you off your feet.


You wake up disoriented and in pain. The last thing you remembered was covering Agent Davis with your body.

" Davis, okay?"

You asked, nearly out of breath. Alex turns around at the sound of your voice. She's quick to push you back down on the bed as you attempt to sit up.

"Agent Davis is fine. However, you're not. Because you used your body as a shield, you sustained major injuries that will take you off the field for at least a month."

You groan loudly, partly from the pain and another part from having to deal with the paperwork.

"You know, Lena told me how you ignored her warnings..."

"Listen, Alex. I wasn't going to let him die in there. I knew that I had enough time to get him out alive."

"I know but you could've died too. What would've happened if part of the ceiling collapsed from the fire or god forbid that the bomb went off too early." You shrug, not really caring. You cared more about the lives of others than yours. "We're worried about you. You've been getting more and more reckless these past few months."

"Alex, there's nothing for you to worry about. I just really care about my team."

"I know that but you've come close to dying quite a few times. You need to be more careful."

You nod, knowing that you would probably continue being reckless.

"I'll try to be less reckless."

"Good. Lena's really mad about what you did."

"I saved someone's life! How could she be mad?"

The door is slammed open as Lena walks in. You gulped loudly when you saw how scary she looked. Now you understood why there were rumors of people pissing their pants when they pissed her off.

"You really want me to kill you, don't you."

You turned to look at Alex, hoping that she could help you but she just ignored you. You sighed and looked back at Lena.

"I...I was only trying to help Davis. I could've died."

"You would have too!"

"I'm sorry. I was only focusing on saving his life."

"I know. Just try to be more careful. You keep having close calls and I'm afraid that one day, you won't be so lucky."

"Aww, Lena. It almost sounds like you care about me."

Annoyed, Lena pushes you down further on the bed to make you hurt.

"Keep talking and I can make the pain much worse."


You had just been allowed to go back on the field when you're called in for another mission. One that happened to be at L-Corp where they were currently dealing with an active shooter. Supergirl and J'onn were preoccupied on the other side of the city to deal with a sinking cruise ship so field agents were called to deal with the situation.

"The entire building has been evacuated so it's just Lena and the shooter. You need to be quiet and careful about this because he's unstable and could shoot at anytime. Agent (l/n), please wait for instructions before you risk your life again."

"Yes, Director Danvers."


You were guarding Lena's office doors as they prepared to catch him by surprise when you hear the first shot. Without waiting as you were told, you barge in and quickly shoot. He's down with the 3 bullets you had shoot.

"(y/n)! You got shot!"

You look down to find a hole of the shape of a bullet. It takes you a second to register the pain as the adrenaline wears off.

"Motherfucker. That never gets easier."

To make you focus on anything but the pain, Lena starts to berate you for the fact that you had again been reckless.

"I told you that you needed to stop being so reckless. You've only just got back to the field and you already got shot!"

You lay down on the floor, feeling dizzy.

"Lena, I love you but your lecturing is not helping. J...just hold me."

Lena does as you're told. Letting your body rest against hers as the two of you wait for the medics.


"Has she always been this reckless, Alex?"

"No, she always followed orders and never strayed from them. Things changed when her ex broke up with her almost a year ago. I've tried getting her to talk about it but she never does. She just says that it's all in the past."

Lena sighs as she looks down at you sleeping. She pretended to hate you but she had actually come to care for you. If you weren't going to be careful, she would have to step in. She wasn't going to let someone that she lo...cared for, die. She wanted to go on dates with you, not your funeral.


Accepting all kinds of prompts, as long as it's fxf.

Only exception is a/b/o prompts. Will not write about these but can write something similar

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Kara Danvers - Black Mercy

Lena Luthor - Cat

Kara Danvers - I See Red Part 2

Morgana Pendragon - Ring

Rebekah Mikaelson - Harm

Kara Danvers - For You

Sarah Paulson - Hit

Sarah Bennett - Safe

Sarah Paulson - Comfort

Frøya - Betrayal

Amelia Shepherd - Operation

Dinah Drake - Soulmate

Sara Lance - Bad

Lena Luthor - Food

Jamie (The Haunting of Bly Manor) - Work

Kara Danvers - Chip


Sorry for the long wait. Will try to post them as soon as I can.

Thank you!

You/Katie McGrath and other imagines (fxf) Book 4Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora