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I woke up my to alarm blaring beside my bed.

"Great" I thought, "it's a full moon tonight."

I brushed my teeth and got dressed to head to school. I crept out of my room and down the stairs to keep from waking my dad. Well, he's not my blood dad. I don't know where, who, or anything about them. I was in an orphanage for many years. It isn't safe for children. That's for sure. Then a couple years ago there was an incident. My 15th birthday I turned for the first time, I had absolutely no control. I almost killed the woman working.

After that incident I woke up here, with my dad. I don't really remember anything else, it's all really a blur. I don't really understand myself yet. I really hate it, it hurts so much, and it never gets better.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen trying to not wake him. I grabbed a water from the fridge and headed out the door. I stepped onto the front porch and took a deep breath, closing my eyes as I breathed out.

I headed out. The walk to school is a drag, but Alex usually makes it easier. Unless it's broken.. which, that's quite a bit but I could have nothing. I started walking down the road only to hear a car making its way closer.

"What's going on man?" He ran up to me.

"Eh, nothing really," I admitted shrugging my shoulders, "it's a full moon tonight."

"You ever going to tell me what happens on these nights?" His eyebrows furrowed, "I just don't get it. What happens on full moons? Why do you get so nervous? Why don't you ever seem to talk at night?"

"It's very complicated," I sighed while shaking my head, "it's literally unbelievable. I will tell you but I just need to make sure it's on my terms. I want to tell you. It's just .. it's just a lot of shit. Okay?"

He pushed me on the arm and started to laugh, "yeah yeah alright man. I'm just busting your balls man. It's all good."

"Goodmorning sweetie," my mom smirked as I walked into the kitchen, "ready for your first day?"

"No," I sighed while sitting at the table, "why do you have to leave tonight? Doesn't he make enough to support everyone? Please just quit going to work."

"Oh honey it is not that bad," she shook her head, "I'll be home before you know it."

I looked at the ground as I heard John coming in. Cassie and John are my adopted parents. My blood parents are deceased, they passed away when I was little. Cassie and John adopted me fairly soon after.

"Okay I'm gonna go," I smiled while standing quickly to grab my bag, "come home soon."

She kissed me on the cheek, "I will be Kira. John will be home most of the time. Have a great first day, I'll be expecting a call later on."

"Okay," I smirked walking out the front door, "bye John."

He looked at me and held up his beer. I closed the door behind me, shutting my eyes and breathing out in relief. "Awesome," I sighed, "she's leaving and it's a full moon, and I have to deal with John now too. Alone. Great."

I started walking down the street. I saw two boys walking in front of me, looks like they're going to the same place. Wait.

I looked at them closer. I caught this scent, a scent that there's another wolf present.

"No not him," I thought to myself looking at the boy on the left. As I turned my head to the right to observe the other boy walking I listened in.

Bedburg HillsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon