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I walked over and set my hands on her head. I felt her body tense up and my eyes glazed over. 

Justin was carrying her through the woods. The wind was harsh, it was dark. I could hear others around me, jumping through the trees. I watched as 7 vampires jumped onto the ground and circled around them. 

"Please we don't want trouble," Justin tried to negotiate, "I'm just trying to get her somewhere safe." 

"Wolves don't help vampires," one of them hissed, "we can take care of her." 

"You aren't gonna touch her," he growled. I watched as he slowly started to shift into a werewolf. He growled while looking at each of them. Three of them darted towards him, grabbing his arms and the other taking Esme. He let out a loud roar. 

"Justin!" Esme screamed, "Justin!" I watched as he swung his arms, throwing the two of them together. They all jumped in on him and started to attack him. "No!" Esme screamed more, "get off of him! Leave him alone!" I watched as she tried to fight off the vampire behind her. She reached around and grabbed his head, ripping it off. 

I covered my mouth as I watched her unfold. Her eyes started glowing orange and she cried out as her bones started to break. She let out a loud roar and before my eyes, there she stood. 

An all black wolf with a solid white line of fur running down her spine.

She slowly walked towards them, growling. She lunged forward, taking one of them down. She hit another, and another. I watched as another vampire turned and jumped onto her back, leaning down and biting her leg. She cried out and almost shifted back to a vampire automatically. Justin busted through the other two and managed to kill one of them while injuring another. He grabbed Esme and started running through the woods. 

I followed as he ran. A vampire jumped down in front of him, throwing Justin off guard. He dropped Esme as the vampire ripped his arms sideways. Justin cried out as he bit into him. The vampire ran off and Justin cried out on the ground holding his arm. He rolled over slowly after about thirty seconds and grabbed Esme again, standing and making his way back to his feet.

I snapped out of it, opening my eyes and looking at Jessica. 

"Well?" she asked. 

"She- she turned," I shook my head, "she killed the vampire that took her from Justin. She turned and then she killed three more of them. She shifted. She's a wolf. No, she's a hybrid. She's both."

"You're serious?" she asked, "like you're sure?" 

"I watched her," I shook my head while looking down at her, "but something can't be right. If that's all there was to it then the mixture should still be working. It shouldn't be causing her more pain or- or seizures. It shouldn't be doing that." I waved my hand over her body, "Perspicuus." 

Her body turned transparent and I started looking around for any type of foreign object in her. 

"Do you see that?" I asked, "right here?" I pointed towards her heart, a black square stuck to the wall. It was very tiny, barely noticeable. 

"I see it," Jessica nodded, "what is that?" She looked closer and gasped, "I think I know what that is!" She grabbed her phone and took a picture, "hold on, my mom will know for sure." I nodded and within about two minutes her phone dinged. "Aaand I was right," she nodded, "that was put there by a witch. It's like a lock. When my mom unlocked yours, it disappeared because she was the one who locked it in the first place. But since she unlocked it herself somehow, it is still trying to lock it back in place. Since it isn't locked and that lock is still there, it's making her body flip out. We have to get it out. It could kill her." 

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