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My eyes opened and I was gasping for air. I looked all around me, I was tied to a chair still. John was starting to untie me. As tears were running down my face John stood smiling. My body was trembling as I tried to remember the last time I was ... I don't know, alive? Awake?

I closed my eyes, thinking back.

I walked into the basement and he had me sit down in this chair. He strapped my arms and legs in place and then grabbed-

oh what was it...

It was a syringe filled with this yellow liquid. He shoved it into my neck and I lost all feeling in my body. I couldn't move. Then he put a green liquid in me and this helmet.

Oh my god the helmet...

He put this contraption on my head and these metal rods screwed into my face. I started seeing things...

It was hallucinations...

I jumped up out of the chair and ran upstairs to my room. I ran to the bathroom to see blood all over my skin and clothes. I tore them off of me and turned on the water in the shower. I went and grabbed my phone.


I messaged Jessica back and apologized for not answering her. I got in the water and let it run down my body. I washed my hair and rinsed the soap off. I got out and started to dry off quickly noticing the blood all over my stomach, arms and under my eyes.

I stood back in shock, "why am I not healing?"

I grabbed bandages and put them along my stomach and arms. I looked in the mirror seeing 3 holes under each eye. I looked around trying to find something to use that won't look so... out there.

"Oh forget it," I growled, "it's the wolfsbane and the other stuff he put in me. It has to be. It'll ware off." I grabbed a couple band-aids and shoved them on. I stood back, "awesome. Thank you John. I wish I knew why she married you."

I walked out and grabbed my bag, rushing down the stairs. John was walking up from the basement.

"How do you feel?" he questioned.

"Great," I nodded, "just going to school."

"Did you see anything?" he questioned more, "it sounded like you did. Your screams-

"Didn't see a thing," I shook my head, "it just hurt," I continued to lie right through my teeth, "guess your experiment didn't work after-all."

I shoved by him and set my hand on the front door. I felt a sharp pain that put me on the ground.

"Stop!" I screamed out.

He kept holding it to my skin. The electricity surging through my veins.

"John stop!" I cried out, "stop!"



"Stop!" I woke up and looked around, noticing I was on the ground untied. I stood up and put my clothes on, "John Stop! Stop!"

I ran out the basement door and around the house, my heart was racing as if I knew this person. As if I knew who it was and vowed to protect them or something.

"Stop!" they roared out, "get off!"

I turned my head quickly, seeing Kira and a man on her front porch. She was beginning to stand up, her nails were longer...

She's a werewolf?

I watched as the man held an electric wand up to her, it's the same one Ron has or atleast similar to it. He was pressing it against her skin causing her to collapse on the ground repeatedly, but she just kept getting up.

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