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I was waiting for them. God I hope Justin is okay. I can't stand this, being away from him, knowing I couldn't save him.

"Come on we're almost there," I heard Kira in the woods. I ran out the back door and started into the woods. When I saw them and he saw me he turned into a human and ran to me. I started to cry softly as we made contact and I wrapped my arms around him.

"Oh thank god you're okay," I held him tightly, "I was so worried. Thank god." I looked up and saw Alex's body as Jace carried him past me. "Oh.... I-"

"It's okay," Justin sat up, "I missed you too."

"What happened?" I asked, "what did she do to you? Your eyes... they- they're grey..."

"What do you mean they're grey?" he asked, "She-I--- uhm-- well I-" he was nervous. He couldn't make it out, "I'll tell you about it later."

What did she do... what happened to him...

The two of us stood up and followed Jace, Kira and Kai into the house. Alex laid on the couch. I walked over to Kira and wrapped my arms around her, "thank you."

"I failed today," she sighed, "not everyone made it. You're welcome for him being safe but had she linked with him..." she started to shake her head and pulled away. "I did nothing good today except the torment by Jazz, Falco and Cassie."

"No you got 4 of you home safe," I nodded my head. She was right though... all it took was one spell. It was that close to happening. But it didn't and I was happy for that. I continued, "you did what you could do, alright? Don't blame yourself." She nodded but I could tell it was one of those in one ear and out the other moments but she needs to hear it. I know she's blaming herself, I would be too. I guess she is partially responsible for this but she couldn't have known... the only way she could have known was if Cassie told her. If Cassie had told her, this wouldn't have happened... she could have severed the link... she could have saved him. Oh god... Jess...

At least they can be with each other now... I know we can all find peace in that thought.

"We have to do something," Jace sighed, "we didn't get to give Jess a burial. We have to give him one."

"We will," Kira nodded, "we can do it right now. Come on."

"Rowan!" Kai ran up the stairs to get him. I could hear the two, "come on, we have to go dig a grave."

"What why?" Rowan asked quickly, "what happened? Who?"

Kai sighed, "uhm.. Alex. Alex died."

"Are you serious?" he said surprised, "how's Jace? What happened?"

"Cassie happened," Kai explained, "she linked herself to him."

"What's that mean?" Rowan questioned, "linking?"

"Means she made it where if something happened to her it happened to Alex too," he said calmly, "so when Kira killed Cassie, it killed Alex."

"No shit..." Rowan sighed, "alright... come on. Let's go." I turned my attention back to the others as Rowan and Kai came walking out and down the stairs towards us.

"Leave him be till the grave is dug," Jace said, "I'm not just laying him in the snow." We all agree and headed outside. We grabbed shovels from the shed and walked further in the woods.

"Come on," Justin suddenly said, "we'll bury him by Grace."

"Are you sure?" Jace asked.

"I'm sure," he nodded, "this way." We headed out to her grave where we started digging a grave beside hers. We were quiet. No words were spoken the entire time we dug until the end. "Alright," Justin breathed out, "good?" Jace nodded his head and they started going back home.

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