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Our alarms went off at the same time. I rolled over and wrapped my arm around him, pulling myself closer to him.

"Goodmorning," he whispered, "how'd you sleep?"

"As good as ever," I smiled, "how'd you sleep handsome?"

"I slept great," he stood up and stretched, "you ready for school?"

"Am I ready for school?" I laughed while climbing out of bed, "no. I am not ready."

He laughed and walked into the bathroom. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I grabbed my boots and my bandana. He walked out and whistled, "damn hottie!"

"Oh shut up," I laughed, "you don't mean that."

He walked over and grabbed his bag as I grabbed mine. I kissed his cheek. We walked downstairs and I grabbed my keys. We walked out and got in the truck. On the way to school we saw Alex walking on the side of the road and grabbed him.

"Hey what's going on man?" Jace asked.

"Nothing dude," he said, "got anything about that other wolf?"

"No the only looking I've done was the looking with you," Jace shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay so how about tonight?" Alex asked, "what are you guys doing tonight?"

"Nothing," I shook my head, "atleast not that I know of."

"Cool then that is now tonight's plan," he sighed, "alright. So how are we doing this?"

"Looking?" Jace asked.

"Yes dude," he sighed, "where are we going? Are we staying together?"

"No," I shook my head, "we are stronger together but I think we should split up. We can cover more ground that way."

"Okay and if they're bigger than you?" Alex asked again, "because they completely massacred that body. I'm sure they won't have any issues doing it again."

"Yeah I guess you're right," I looked in the mirror, "Jace what do you think?"

"I don't know," he shook his head, "Kira I know you're strong but we don't know what we are up against yet. I think we should maybe stick together tonight. We can always split next time."

I nodded my head, "okay, that works with me."

We pulled into the school parking lot and I shut off my truck. I unlocked all the doors and the three of us got out. We walked into the school and I followed Jace to his locker.

"I'm gonna head downstairs," I smiled, "I will see you between classes." I leaned up and kissed him before walking away and heading to my locker. Once I got there I opened it and swapped out books. The bell rang and I made my way to class.

"Oh Kira," the teacher said, "so nice to finally see your face."

I didn't say anything, I just sat down and got out all my books. As the other kids clustered in I noticed Alex wasn't in the group. I grabbed my phone.

Me: Everything okay?

I slid my phone back into my pocket and when the teacher started notes, I started copying them.

Alex: yeah. I'm with Jess.

I chuckled a bit and continued. The bells rang before long and I made my way to my second hour. I was called to the teachers desk and given a stack of papers.

"Read this book," she set it on top, "then answer the questions on the according packet. The rest is notes and other school work from this class that you have missed. I will need it back by Wednesday."

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