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I still can't believe she's dead and now Jessica's mom too? What is happening? WHY is this happening? Jace looks like he's on his last leg... I don't know how he hasn't died already. The voltage that's hitting him is far passed the limit. Let alone is happening several times. Jazz yanks Kira from the table, dragging her across the floor and over to a corner. I heard a door open and shut again, she was gone. Cassie and the other witches stood in the room, she walked over to me.

"I haven't forgotten nor forgave what you've done," she sneered, "girls we're done here." I watched as the five of them left the room. 

"I didn't ask for forgiveness," I growled, "so I'm not worried about it. You've done a lot of unforgivable things." She smirked and snapped her fingers, a knife appeared in her hand. "Kira will kill you if you hurt any of us anymore," I shook my head, "she will. Doesn't that matter to you? Aren't you here mom or some shit?" 

"She killed my husband-"

"No your husband killed himself," I shook my head, "he started that hunting shit and got himself killed. He abused Kira. He nearly killed her! You helped her out of it! Do you not remember any of that?" She looked confused as she took a couple steps back. She looked at me and then at everyone else. 

"Wh- what's going on?" she asked, "what's happening?" 

"What?" I asked, "what the fuck are you talking about?" I started jerking myself around trying to get the chains to break, "come on! Break!" 

"Here here let me help you," she held out her hand and the chains fell from my wrists and ankles. I looked at her. 

"Are you messing with me?" I asked, "are you- Cassie don't play."

"What are you doing?" she broke Alex free, "get up. Get up. I don't know how I got here but come on I have to get you kids out of here." What the hell is happening? Is she crazy? Alzheimer's or something? I stood up and ran to Esme, breaking the chains around her, catching her and setting her on the ground. 

"G-get Kai," she coughed, "and- and Rowan." I spun around and ran to him, breaking him free. Kai proceeded to get Rowan out and hid him. I ran to Jace, disconnecting the electricity from the chair and unchaining his wrists and ankles. Burns covered his hands and feet.

"Wh-where's Kira?" he coughed, "f-f-find her." I nodded my head and leaned him against he wall. 

"I'll find her," I nodded, "I- I'm gonna get her. Just rest for a few. Alright?"

"What is going on here!" the door swung open and Falco walked in, "Cassie think!" I looked at her and watched her eyes fog over before going back to normal. She made eye contact with me and threw her hands forward. I flew into the wall. 

"She's being controlled!" I yelled out, "Esme we gotta break her out of it!" I roared and shifted, running towards her. Esme was able to block her hit towards me and I was able to knock her down. Jessica was strictly going up against Falco, she was angry. This would be a chance for her to give everything she's got, she's strongest right now. As sad and unfortunate as everything is. "You killed the last member of my pack!" I snapped at her, "you killed her! She was 12 years old! She was a kid! Cassie snap out of this! This isn't you! Think about Kira! Think about John and what he did to her! You're turning into that person! Snap out of it! You're all Kira has left from her past! I don't want to kill you even though you deserve it, but I will if I have to!" 

She looked at me for a couple minutes and she shook her head and grabbed at her ear, "I'm sorry." She immediately started crying, "I don't know what's happening to me. I-"

"They are spelling you," I nodded, "you have to fight it. You-" I was suddenly blown to the side. My body felt on fire and I started crying out as it felt like my skin was burning off. 

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