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They walked in and chained me to a fence, throwing water on me and electrocuting me, "please stop with this. Why am I here?"

"You are here because you are a monster," the man spat while turning the dial, "and monster don't deserve to live!" I let out a roar as the electricity surged through my body. The man grabbed a whip, "this here has Quanlier venom on it. Ever heard of it? Quanlier venom caused hallucinations, some of which are your biggest fears. Lets find out what your fears are Jace!"

He cracked the whip, the end of it slicing my stomach. I felt the venom seeping into my skin. He did it again, and again, and again. My vision went blurry and everything went black. 

I saw two men walking towards me and Kira was in their hands. I watched him put a gun to her head.

"No!" I roared, "Kira! No!"

I watched as he pulled the trigger and her body fell to the ground. I roared again as they made their way to me, putting the gun to my head.

"Do it!" I roared, "do it already!"

I heard the pop of the gun and I stood up, seeing nothing but trees around me. I heard footsteps all around me and saw red laser all over my body. I heard a man yell, "fire!" and within seconds I felt my body loaded with bullets. I fell onto my knees, looking down at my stomach. I saw the blood draining from my body as I fell onto the ground, face first. I closed my eyes as the pain was unimaginable.

I woke up again, this time gasping for air. I was swimming in the middle of a lake, there was snow on the ground. I started swimming towards the dock but soon realized that the more I swam towards it the farther it got from me.

I looked around me, trying to stay above the water. The snow continued to fall all around me and my body started to lock up. I turned my head as the wind picked up, I watched the lake start to freeze all around me. If I don't get out of her I am going to freeze with it.

"Help," I shivered, "someone help me!"

I felt my body start to tighten up and I went under the water. I tried to swim up but I just kept getting deeper. I felt water in my lungs and god how it burned.

I snapped back gasping for air, my body shivering.

"That's what it is huh?" the man started laughing, "your girlfriend dying in front of you and drowning? Interesting Jace. Very interesting. I didn't know you could feel anything for another person."

"Yeah?" I shivered, "I didn't know it either." I let out a roar as he smiled at me, turning the dial. I threw my head back against the fence and roared again. He sat back as the electricity made it way around every link, "you can do this forever. I can take it!" I roared again as he turned up the voltage.

"We will see about that Mr. Emerald," he sneered as he stood up, "lower the temperature. Your body is made of over 60% water Jace, lets see how long you last like this."

He turned the dial to the off position and walked out of my cell. I watched as thick and cold fog made its way into my room from the ceiling. I felt the water on my body turn to ice and the fence got so cold it's starting to burn my back. I looked around at ways I could get out of here but I have no options. I cant break these cuffs.

I roared again as I heard the door down the hall shut and lock.


It has been almost a week now since I have seen Jace. I am almost to level five, I can feel it. I can move things with my mind with no hesitation, I can read minds and tap into the minds of others to talk to them. I can call on my bloodline coven and I am working on my ability to break objects with my voice.

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