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I opened my eyes and I was laying on the ground. My hands were hurting and I felt out of breath. I slowly stood at the front of the gates and slowly walked through as they opened. They closed behind me and Jazz came from no where.

"You wanted to talk to me," I struggled to stand straight, "what for?"

"Oh my," she stepped closer to me, "you're struggling I see? What's happened to you?"

"I- I don't know," I looked at my hands. The bruising had started to come back. "All of this started happening when they started to take my magic. I don't know how I got here."

"Because you're strong," she said, "that's why. Your magic should have been long gone. It only takes a few seconds normally. Y-"

"Seriously?" I asked, "Falco said the longest was way longer than just a few seconds. I think she said it was months."

"Yes this isn't the first time Falco has done this," she sighed, "she also performed this on your mother. Yet even after attached for months, she managed to keep hold of her powers. You can do the same."

"How?" I asked, "how did she get my mom?"

"I can't give any other information about the incident," she shook her head, "but know you can get through this."

"What if I can't?" I asked, "it's painful using it." She held her hand high and I watched a gold light shoot into me. I hit my knees and it was gone as fast as it came. I started coughing as I felt a rising pressure in my chest. "Wh- what did you do to me?" I struggled to say.

"I helped you," she nodded, "relax yourself, let it in." I laid on my back and closed my eyes. I felt it start to seep into me and when I opened my eyes, I felt recharged. I sat up slowly and looked at my hands, the bruises were gone.

"Why?" I asked, "why would you help me?"

"I called you here to talk about Rit," she said, "I need to know what she told you."

"She really didn't say much," I shook my head. I was lying threw my teeth. "She just told me what she said last time. She said we were a key but Falco came and.. she- she killed her."

"She didn't say anything else?" she questioned further, "really?"

I shook my head, "really she was just trying to tell me what she couldn't the last time. Which failed... again."

"Kira I am sorry about her," she sighed, "she was the last living relative you have besides Esme. I'm sure there's some sort of sadness there. I am sorry for what happened to you."

"Why are you so nice to me?" I asked, "why defend and stick up for me?"

"For reasons I can not say," she nodded her head slowly, "don't question me, just know I'm on your side." She waved her hand and the wind around me blew harshly. My world spun and when I opened my eyes and I was back in the living room. I looked at my hands again, the bruising was still gone.

"Kira?" Esme asked.

I looked at the coaster on the ground and pointed my finger at it. I slowly started moving it back upwards and watched as the coaster followed. A smile spread across my face as it lifted above the tabletop and then set down slowly on top of it.

"It worked," I laughed and looked at the two of them, "oh my gosh she- she put them back?" I spun around and swooshed my hand, watching the refrigerator open along with all the cabinets. I waved my other hand and all of them closed. "My magic! It's back!" I smiled while jumping back around.

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