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Waking up to my alarm going off and Jessica laying beside me brought a whole new meaning to happiness. My dad wouldn't be home till after 7, leaving me with plenty of time to make her some breakfast.

I got my clothes on and went downstairs. I cracked some eggs and made some bacon, along with toast. I set it in the microwave and went back upstairs. I crawled back into bed next to her, "hey beautiful, good morning. I made you some breakfast."

She rolled over slowly and started to smile, "good morning sunshine."

She slowly sat up and the two of us made our way back down the stairs. I grabbed the food from the microwave and we started to eat.

"Mmm this is so good," she smiled, "thank you so much. I needed this so bad."

"Don't thank me," I shook my head, "I'll accept it and you're welcome, but you really don't need to thank me. I have to feed you!"

"Oh you have to?" she smirked.

"Well yeah," I nodded, "if I don't, you'll get hangry and THAT is bad for everyone."

She rolled her eyes and smiled some more as she finished the last of what was on her plate. I grabbed it from her and set them in the sink. We finished getting ready and headed to school.


I woke up as the birds chipped outside. The sun was high in the sky. I slowly sat up and looked at Jace who was still sound asleep. I smiled as I stood and stretched my body. I then leaned down and placed a kiss on his forehead, "good morning handsome."

He groaned and rolled slowly, "good morning beautiful."

"Did you sleep okay?" I asked him softly.

"Better than I ever have," he smiled sitting up, "how did you sleep?"

"I slept good," I nodded, "I don't think I woke up at all throughout the night."

He moved his way over next to me and leaned his head against my shoulder, "have you ever been scared of me? Have you ever had second thoughts about me? Like have you ever thought about where you'd be had you never met me?"

"Well," I smiled as I turned to him, "I probably would be far away from here. I probably would have ran off that night you came over to me, when John and me started fighting and I fell down the stairs."

"You didn't fall," he sneered, "he pushed you."

"I don't regret anything Jace," I shook my head while speaking calmly, "I don't think about where I would be because I know wherever I would be, I wouldn't be happy like I am sitting right here with you. I haven't ever been scared of you, if anything, being around me lights a fire that does nothing but make me stronger." I listened to his heart as it grew faster, I grabbed his hand, "I've had no second thoughts about you, about coming to you, about throwing myself in front of a skilled hunter for you... I have no second thoughts, only thankfulness that I am alive and you are here with me."

He looked over at me, our eyes meeting, "you mean that?"

"I mean all of it," I nodded, "every single word."

He sat back and a smile formed on his face, "Kira, no one has ever said anything close to that to me before. You have no idea how good it feels to-

"Yes I do," I smiled, "my adopted mom is the only one who has ever shown me kindness. Granted, she doesn't know what I am, but she is the only one. Then you came along and I haven't been able to get you out of my head since. It feels like a breath of fresh air after being held under water for so long."

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