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I didn't want to speak to him, I didn't even want to look at him right now. He was dragging me away from my home, my family... my friends. Everything. He was pulling me away from everything I've ever known and for what? It won't bring mom back. 

"Are you hungry?" he asked, "we still have about two hours till we get there." I stared out the window as I watched the burning sun set beneath the trees and hills in the distance. I hate all of this. And Alex, oh poor Alex.... I feel horrible for leaving the way I did. There is no way he can stay with us, my dad won't let that happen. Not with him being a vampire. "Jessica," he said again, "did you hear me?"

"Yeah I did," I turned and glared at him, "did I say anything? No. So obviously not." 

"You better listen to me young lady and you better listen closely," he said sternly, angrily, "I am not your mother. You will watch how you speak to me, you'll watch your tone and you will do what I say. Listen, I get this isn't easy for you. It isn't easy for me either but-"

"Oh really?" I started to cry while laughing, "this isn't easy for you? It took you a whole 2 seconds after burying mom for YOU to decide WE were moving. I barely had time to say goodbye to my friends, to Alex. He could have came along you know, his dad gave him permission to move with us. He-"

"Absolutely not," he shook his head. I couldn't help it, I scoffed and started nodding my head. 

"Figures," I looked at him, "your head is so far up your ass, there is no saving it." I felt his hand swipe across my face and just like that... he lost control of the car. We went off the side of the road, I screamed as we continued to roll down the steep incline toward the lake at the bottom. 

It has been a few hours since Alex had left, since Jess had to leave. "Have you heard from Alex?" I asked as I sat on the  couch. The t.v. was on and we were all just trying to find something to watch. There isn't much we can do right now. Suddenly Jace's phone started ringing and mine followed soon behind his. 

"It's Alex," he pressed the phone to his ear and started to talk. When I looked down I saw the sheriffs office pop up. I watched Jace's face turn white as I answered the phone. 

"Hello?" I asked, "is ever-"

"Kira there's been an accident," Alex's dad cut me off before I could say any more, "it's Jessica. There's been a horrible accident, we're on the way to the hospital in Bedburg right now. I'm in front of the ambulance." I dropped my phone and took off through the front door. Within a few minutes I was standing in front of the hospital. I could hear the sirens on the ambulance closing in and before long I saw Alex's dad fly in. 

"Is she okay?" I started running to him, "what happened? Wher-" I watched the ambulance pull in and doctors rushed out as they pulled her from the back. I could barely recognize her face. There was a brace around her neck and blood covered her arms and legs. Holes were torn in her shirt. I ran in behind her and they pushed her through the double doors. Alex's dad walked in and I spun around, "what happened?" 

"We don't know," he sighed as Alex walked in. The two of them hugged each other and when he pulled away he looked at me. "Listen I'm not supposed to tell you two this but her dad... he... he didn't make it," his dad started on again, "she's in really rough shape. I don't want to freak you kids out, but it'll be a miracle. Listen uh... I can't rush them but you guys don't have to stay here. I can have them contact me and then I can get ahold of you, if you want to go back home."

"No," I shook my head politely, "if you don't mind, I think we'll stay here. She uh... she's gonna need us." He looked at us for a few seconds before nodding his head and walking out of the hospital. I turned and looked at Alex, tears stained his cheeks. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy. 

Bedburg HillsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя