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There's so much to take in right now. We have a brother. I just healed her somehow but then it made me faint. Gosh I can't believe I have a twin... that's so crazy to me. How did I not know? Where could he be? Does he have his powers?

Jace walked down the stairs and back to us, "she's sleeping." He turned to me, "are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes," I nodded looking at the ground, "I'm okay. Thank you."

"Thank you," he nodded once I looked back up at him, "you healed her, for the most part. You woke her up, got her better. I thank you for that." I nodded my head and felt Justin's arm wrap around my shoulder. I smiled as I leaned into him, it eased my body. "So what are we gonna do? She's still got bruises all over her and that bite mark... it's nasty. Do we even know what it is? Did she say?"

"I don't think so. She did say that she turned into something different though," Alex jumped in, "I remember hearing her say her fur thickened, her howl turned into something else... different, and then something about her tail."

"That isn't enough to decide on anything," Jessica shook her head, "it doesn't make sense how she'd get bitten by something and just take over that power. She didn't die and come back to life, she would know she did and she would have said that... so I don't know how that could be true. Maybe it was a dream or something..?"

"No," I shook my head, "she wasn't lying. Don't ask me how I know... I just know. She told the truth about everything but there's a lot I felt that she didn't talk about. The amount of hurt she endured, the activities she was forced to participate in... I could feel it, slightly. I didn't want to feel it all, I couldn't. It was so intense... I-I'm sorry."

"There was no reason to put yourself through that," Justin whispered in my ear, "it's okay."

"She's hurting really bad. I know there is something up but I can't tell what it is," I shook my head, "she's somehow different. There's a part of her I can't read, I can't feel. Which would explain the weird shift from that bite but it doesn't explain how she just... absorbed those powers."

"Well what if when they started to take her powers it opened a door for new ones to come in?" Jace questioned, "I don't know how everything works I know but could that be possible? Like could a lack of one power allow for another power to fulfill the empty area?"

"Technically no," Jessica shook her head, "but then again everything happening should be a 'technically no' situation so I won't toss that out. It's a good idea... it makes me wonder because if they took her powers like that.. does it lessen the strength of them?"

"I think we need to work on separate things," I stated, "Jessica you're really good at healing. You're good with potions and mixtures. What if you work on trying to heal her the rest of the way, figuring out what it is, etc? And then I can work on the other bit which is finding out who the hell this other sibling is. I don't know how or what I'm going to start with but I have to figure it out. I know she wants that too. I'd like to work on that."

"I agree with you," she smiled, "it's a great idea. Alex, Jace I'll need you two with me if that's okay?" I nodded my head and I watched the three of them head downstairs. I spun around and looked at Justin.

"Baby are you sure you're okay?" He questioned again.

I couldn't help but laugh, "yes. I am okay. I'm fine. I promise you, I don't feel any different. I woke up and was jumbled for a few minutes but I am okay now." I walked over to the computer and sat down to start looking up some stuff about my mom, dad and whatever I could find on Rit, our grandmother.

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