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I woke up in bed, I sat up quickly and looked around. The sun was shining in the sky. I stood and ran downstairs.

"Jessica what the hell!" I yelled out, "what did you do!"

"Everything is ready to go," she nodded, "come on. Let's go."

I looked at her a second before she waved her hand and made me move towards the door. We walked out and Alex was in the drivers seat. I got in the back seat and we took off.

"Why did you do that?" I asked angrily.

"You're refreshed," she nodded, "you're well rested and now you're mad. You'll just be stronger. I'm going to cloak you when we get there."

The hours went by and soon we pulled up to a gravel road. We pulled onto it.

"Pull over up here," I said, "I don't want to be too close."

Alex drove a little farther ahead and we pulled off into the bushes. By now it was 8:31 p.m. and the sun was setting.

"Please let me go with you," Justin grabbed my arm, "please."

"Okay," I nodded, "alright. Just please don't do anything dumb okay?"

He nodded as a smile spread across his face. Jessica cloaked us and we started towards the building. We got to the door and I put my ear up to it. I could hear a man speaking but the sound was muffled. I opened the door very slowly and the two of us slid in unnoticed.

I looked around, 1...2...3...4...5... 6 ... 7.. KIRA! She was in a tank that was filled with water and ice. Her skin was starting to turn blue. Her arms were tied and she had on the helmet.. oh my god. The helmet. How did he find it? She was trying to get to the top.

"We have to do something?" Justin whispered, "we have to do something right now!"

"I know," I looked around quickly, "we need a plan. We don't know what they have. They're hunters."

"Like the ones that took my family?" He asked.

I looked at him and slowly nodded my head. Instantly his breathing got heavier and his heart rate got faster.

"Justin calm down," I whispered, "if we let go of each other the cloak will disappear. Calm down!"

He started to shift and as his nails dug into my hand I squeezed my eyes shut. When I opened them everyone was looking at us. They all stood and Justin roared.

He charged at them and instantly took down one of the men. I shifted and started towards Kira. I was stopped mid run and thrown across the room.

"Justin they have a witch!" I screamed out, "Justin!"

Just then I watched him rise. He was thrown across the building and when he hit the wall he let out a loud cry. I stood and allowed myself to stance out.

"Well If it isn't Jace Emerald," John walked out clapping, "it's nice of you to finally join us! We have been expecting you."

My body froze and I was pulled closer to them.

"Can you hear her heartbeat Jace?" He asked me, "listen to it."

I closed my eyes and listened to her.

Thump............. Thump ..................thump

"That's right," he smiled, "it just keeps getting slower and slower doesn't it?"

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