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I was running with the wind, for some reason it just felt best. It was pouring rain for the longest time. I'm thankful I'm a wolf, it's kept me alive in here.

"Kira!" I roared out, "are you out here!" It's been almost a full day since I've been running out here. I've heard nothing, seen nothing and smelt nothing so far. I probably should have left a note or something, they're probably freaking out.

Then again I don't know. I feel like a locator spell would find me just fine. They'll see the window and know she'll know I left to come find her. They shouldn't hold it against me. Justin and Esme did the same thing after all.

With nightfall approaching I decided to do some hunting to see if I can catch something. Maybe something bigger too, like a deer, I'm sure she'll need to eat when I see her. I should have thought this through more. After about an hour of waiting a rabbit came into sight. I jumped and grabbed it with my teeth. I ate and continued on. The rain started again, snow mixed in. The temperature started dropping and it started to get cold even for me.

I felt the ground beneath me shake suddenly. What the hell what that... an earthquake? Here? That's new. After about ten minutes I felt it shake again, making me stop in my tracks. God where is she.... I hope she's okay.

I stopped and leaned back, letting out a loud howl. I stopped and waited... hearing nothing I decided to turn. Abruptly the wind changed directions, blowing to the left. I slowed down and followed the path of the wind as it twisted and turned.

"God!" I roared, "this is taking me no where! Kira! Kira I'm coming! I'm gonna find you! Wherever you are..." I turned around and the wind faded into nothing. The thunder boomed around me and lightening struck in the distance.

I spun around when I heard the footsteps and voices to my side. I ducked down and slowly made my way towards them.

"Come on we have to find her!" He yelled, "she's out here somewhere!"

"We don't know where she went!" Another yelled, "it's useless! Her tracks have been covered with fresh snow!"

"Then we keep moving forward!" The man demanded, "we have to bring her back! Let's go!" Who are they talking about? Kira? Is she out here? I started running in their direction and came upon what looked to be a cave, the ground was distorted. Like... like it was cracked open and out back together.

The earthquakes I felt? Maybe? The wind blew and I caught a scent of blood. I started running and came to see puddles of blood in various spots, in a line. Suddenly I heard a loud shrieking in the distance.

"What the hell was that," I looked up, "I've never heard that before I don't think." I started running and I suddenly heard someone gagging and coughing. Within a few more seconds I caught her sense, "Kira! Kira I'm coming!" I ran as fast as I could, rounding the last few trees and seeing her. She was laying on the ground, her clothes were covered in blood. Her skin was bruised from head to toe. Her face, her chin was stained with blood... she was throwing it up. I ran to her side and ripped the shirt and hoodie from my back. "Hold on love," I said frantically, "I've got you."

She turned her head slowly, her eyes were barely open. A small smile spread across her face, "Jace.. you-"

"Shh it's okay," I pulled the hoodie down over her face, "don't speak. Let's just get you home." I picked her up and started walking back home. It'll take a while, hopefully she can hold on till then. She's in terrible shape, awful shape. If she wasn't a vampire... she would 100% be dead.

"I s-saw you," she coughed and winced. Grabbing her stomach and then grabbing her arm. When did she see me? I never ran by her...

"Hey you stay here with me okay?" I nodded, "stay with me." She slowly nodded her head and I felt her eyes on mine.

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