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I heard the backdoor open and Kira running downstairs. Justin and Esme must be back. I rolled over and Alex opened his eyes and smiled.

"What's the matter pretty?" he asked.

"I don't know," I shook my head, "something feels so off. I don't know what it is. I don't want to tell Kira though, she's been doing a lot lately. Things are finally back in place and people are okay right now. I don't want to ruin that."

"You've been doing a lot too," he grabbed my hand, "a lot Jess. You've been a hell of a friend. I don't know anyone that would do so much."

"Oh stop," I blushed, "any of them would do the same for us. I know they would." He nodded.

"That is fair," he smiled, "that's fair. They would. So fine, you guys are the only ones I know. I'm proud of you, but you need rest. Don't fret anything right now, it can wait till tomorrow. We have school anyways." I sighed out again.

"I don't even wanna go," I shook my head, "the thought of it is so shitty and so tiring."

He started to laugh, "I know I know but we have to. Justin needs to be going too."

"Yeah I doubt that," I shook my head, "everything says he doesn't go tomorrow."

"Well Esme did die and was brought back," he said, "it would make sense if he doesn't go tomorrow or hell even the next day. I wouldn't, I would never want to go back. I'd just want to be with you, every frigin second." I started laughing and kissed him.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you," he smiled back before kissing my forehead, "a whole whole lot. Sleep well beautiful." I smiled as I closed my eyes.


My alarm started going off and I groggily rolled over and hit snooze. I turned back to Alex and started rubbing his back, "goodmorning baby."

"Goodmorning," he groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, "I don't wanna go."

"Then don't," I smiled, "we can skip today."

"Yeah," he yawned, "alright. You convinced me."

"Really?" I gasped happily, "like actually? Babe?" I looked back at him after turning my alarm off and he was already sound asleep again. I smiled as I cuddled back up next to him under the blankets. I wrapped my fingers in his and closed my eyes again, falling back asleep.


I woke up and slid out of bed, kissing Jace's head before heading downstairs. I grabbed a glass of water as I started to make breakfast for Grace. Her door opened and she walked down the stairs, her hair a mess.

"Goodmorning," I chuckled, "sleep good?"

"Yeah," she sighed while pushing it out of her face, "I'm still tired though. Today better go by fast." I smiled as I scrambled the eggs and made the bacon. When it was done I flipped it all on a plate and slid it down the island to her. She started eating and I cleaned the pans before walking into the living room. I opened the curtains, letting the sunshine flood the room.

I walked to the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror. I slid my fingers over the scar on the side of my face. It reminded me of Sam's wife in Twilight.

"Am I even pretty anymore?" I whispered to myself, "gosh I don't feel like it." I stared at it a few more seconds.

"Done!" I heard Grace say. I snapped my attention back to the tasks at hand and headed back into the kitchen. I grabbed her plate and knocked the excess food off as she headed up to her room. I cleaned off the plate and she walked back down with her bookbag in hand, sliding it across the floor. She sat on the couch and watched t.v.

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