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I could feel all of my blood being drained from my body. Whatever it is, it's sucking it out of me. 

I continued to cry but then I started having a hard time breathing. I was gasping for air as I watched them all stare at me. Some had their phones out and were recording it, a couple looked scared. 

The door burst open and a roar erupted around the room. 

"Get away from her!" Justin growled. He let out another roar and everyone started to try and scurry out of the basement. He started to go after them. 

"Justin!" Kira yelled while running in, "Justin stop! I can handle it!" I watched as she ran next to him and whispered something in his ear. He spun around and ran over to me. He shifted back to his human self.

"Don't touch me," I cried out, "don't touch me! Get away!" I knew he wasn't going to hurt me but for some reason I couldn't keep the words from flying out. 

"I'm not going to hurt you," he pleaded, "Esme it's me. I won't hurt you." I felt his lips press against the top of my head. I closed my eyes and opened them again after a few seconds. 

"Justin," I started to cry, "I- they-"

"Everything is going to be okay. Wha- what do I do?" he asked me anxiously, "what do you want me to do?" He unchained my arms and I grabbed ahold of the ball. I started to press the button repeatedly but it wasn't stopping. "Jace!" he yelled, "Jace I need help!" His voice was cracking, "I- I don't-" 

Jace walked over in front of me, "okay, uhm," he looked at it for a few seconds. Justin impatiently grabbed the legs (daggers) that were embedded in my skin. He started breaking them off one by one but every time he touched it, broke it, anything would jerk it and hurt like hell. 

Finally he busted the last one and I could feel the machine stop sucking the blood from me. 

"I have to get these out okay?" he set his hand on the side of my face, "just a few more seconds." He quickly started pulling them from my skin. I cried out and saw as the blood started pouring from the holes in my skin. "I know I know," he said nervously as he quickly removed his shirt, "I'm sorry. I'm trying, I swear I'm only trying to help you." He folded it and pressed it firmly to my stomach. I winced as the pain shot through my body. "Jace hold this," he said, "please I have to unchain her the rest of the way."

Jace's hands took over and Justin started working on unchaining my legs. He stopped and looked at the sweat pants on me, realizing the scent didn't match my own. I looked at him and watched as the tears gather in his eyes. I slowly lifted up my hand and he walked over to me, grabbing it and pressing his lips to the top of it. 

"I have to get her out of here," he said firmly, "right now. She will start healing on her own, they didn't use any type of metal that would poison her. She'll heal. I need to go, with her, right now." 

"Go," Jace nodded, "take her. Go. I'll get Kira." 

He gently took my wrists and placed them over his shirt before picking me up bridal style. The warmth of his skin felt so good. It's hard enough always being cold but when you start to lose all your blood, then you're losing the only thing that gives you any warmth. It sucks. I can't stop shaking. I leaned into him as he started walking, listening to his heart beat. He's the only person I can be around and not be hungry, to not have to control anything because there is nothing there to control. 

The air was crisp, chilly. My body shivered every time a gust of wind blew against me. It felt like it was cutting into my skin. 

"I'm sorry," he whispered, "I'm exerting as much heat as I can to try and keep you warm. I know it's cold. I'm sorry." 

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