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"It's been months!" I snapped, "why can't we locate her!"

"Jace I don't know," Jess shook her head, "I don't know why it isn't working. We got her note, she said she was going to be getting out of there. It's been a couple days since then, maybe she'll be home soon."

"Something isn't right," I shook my head, "something is wrong. I have to go out and find her."

"That's not a good idea what if you get lost," she shook her head, "we shouldn't do that. We don't know where she is or anything. We should just wait it out."

"We have waited!" I yelled, "they came and took her and we've done nothing!"

"We've done everything we can!" She yelled back, "I've done everything I can Jace! I've tried locator spells, binding spells, tracker spells! I've tried god damn everything! I'm worried about her too!" I turned around and ran my hands through my hair before running upstairs.

"Dude we're gonna find her," I heard Justin say, "I promise." I laid down on the bed and looked at the ceiling.

"Where are you?" I asked aloud, "god please be okay." I ran my hands through my hair and let out a loud sigh. I opened up the window and climbed out, landing on the ground. "If they aren't for it then they don't have to be part of it," I started walking, "I'm gonna bring her home. I'm coming Kira."

The room was ice and I could barely see in front of me. I had been hanging for a couple days, no food or anything, just pretty consistent pain. A man walked in and he made his way over to me, "you're coming with me." He unchained my hands and ankles, I just fell to the ground. I couldn't stand.

He wrapped rope around wrists and started to walk, dragging me along the ground. He walked through a door, pulling me outside into the snow. It was colder out here than in the room.

"Stand up!" He snapped, "and face me." I pushed myself to me feet, it took everything in me just do that. How am I supposed to get out of here? I looked up and made eye contact with him. He shot his hand from his side and I felt the bullet slice through my skin, exiting my shoulder. I screamed and hit my knees, grabbing my arm. I felt my eyes shift I roared loudly. He shot again and I felt the bullet fly through my other shoulder. I threw my hand forward after hearing the third shot fire, the bullet tore into my stomach. I heard a loud boom and I flew backwards into a tree.

My body landed on the ground and I felt like I was throbbing. I stood and started to run as best I could, going in different directions to throw my scent off a straight path. I heard thunder above me and within seconds it was pouring rain. Awesome. I found a hollow tree trunk that had fallen over, I climbed inside and laid down to try and warm myself up. The wind howled outside and I heard voices appear in the distance.

"She ran this way!" A man called, "come on I see her tracks still." Shit my foot prints. I crawled out of the log stomped around in a circle before looking up at the trees around me. Okay come on, you can do this. I jumped up and was just barely able to reach the branch, slowly pulling myself up and making my way through the trees for a few minutes. That should be enough to throw them off.

I landed back in the snow on the ground and leaned my head back. The rain pelted my face and was freezing almost instantly.

"Get up," I said to myself, "come on Kira. You have to keep moving." I forced myself onto all fours and slowly pushed myself to my feet. Keep moving. One foot in front of the other. I made my way from tree to tree, using them as leverage to stay up straight. I stepped down and felt my foot go straight through, I fell into a hole, breaking through the thin layer of ice in the bottom. I stood shivering as the snowflakes and rain entered above me. I threw my hand forward to try and get myself out using my magic but nothing was happening.

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