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I headed to Pattsies and when I got there I grabbed a spot for me and Jessica. She should be here in about ten minutes. School let out not too long ago. 

"Hey," she pooped up, "how are you?" 

"I'm okay," I nodded, "how are you? How was school?" 

"Shitty," she laughed, "so this feeling I have. I had this nightmare where I saw these men but they just looked like regular hunters. Then I could hear this girl screaming for help but I couldn't see her anywhere. Then in my first hour, my third and fourth hours and my last hour I had the same vision where my eyes glazed over and I could hear her screaming but saw no one."

"Do you recognize any of the guys?" I asked, "or the voice of the woman?" 

"No," she sighed, "I feel like I should know something but I don't know what I should know. It's driving me crazy. I mean.. are you- do you feel anything?" 

"No," I shook my head, "but now that you bring up others feeling off, Justin texted me saying that he had a bad feeling in his gut too."

"Justin?" she asked, "why would Justin feel wr- oh my god."

"What" I asked, "what's wrong?" 

"What if it's Grace," she looked up at me, "what if there's something wrong with Grace?" 

I grabbed my phone quickly to call her school. When they verified that she was there and safe I looked back at Jess, "no. Not Grace. She's at school packing up and getting ready to leave."

"Then who else?" she asked, "who else does Justin know?" 

I sat and thought for a few minutes. Esme. 

"It's Esme," I shot my head up, "it has to be. It has to be her." 

"Why would I be having visions about Esme?" she asked, "that makes no sense."

"I don't know," I shook my head, "maybe because the two of you had some sort of interaction maybe?" 

"I don't know," she repeated me, "but whatever the reason is, it isn't good. Justin is going to freak out."

"We have to be sure it's her before we bring it up," I sat back to think, "god how could this happen? How could this happen?" 


The door opened after I don't know how long. I heard them stumbling down the stairs and making their way over to me. I felt the bag leave my head and I looked around as they crowded around me. 

"Take it off!" the yelled drunkenly, "take off her clothes!" 

I tried to fight them but I couldn't move. The scissors cut away my pants, leaving my skin and underwear exposed. I felt the tears rushing to my eyes as the more I fought, the more it hurt. It felt like the chains got tighter and heavier with every pull and push. 

I watched as they all started to undress. All I could do was close my eyes. I continuously tried to scream, but nothing was loud and audible enough. 

I felt as one of them climbed on top of me and started kissing my neck. I felt my eyes glow as he got closer to me. 

"Woah!" they all yelled, "look at her eyes! Look at her eyes!" I felt him enter into me and I cried out as I fought to get him off. His hand wrapped around my throat. As his grip tightened my air lessened. He pulled out and another climbed on top of me. My body trembled as his fingers ran along my skin. 

Stop. Please stop. 


Please get off of me. 

The hours went by and everything was hurting. 

"Okay," the final guy moved from on top of me, "go upstairs and grab a pair of underwear and sweatpants from in her dresser." One of them ran up the stairs as the others circled around me, putting their clothes back on. The one man walked down with the clothes in his hands and they started to unchain my legs. They slid the clothes onto me, but I wasn't making it easy for them. 

"Fucking stop moving!" a man yelled, "jesus fuck! Sit still!" I continued to kick my legs around and rattle the chains. Come on. Break. Break damn it!

I felt a pinch in my neck again and my legs immediately fell to the table. They finished sliding the clothes on and then chained my ankles together. They took pictures of me before heading back up the stairs. I looked around and tried to listen so I could figure out where I was. I couldn't hear any traffic, just the wind. 

I have to get out of here. 

They stumbled back down after awhile, this time bringing others that I didn't recognize, and they just stood there and looked at me. 

"She's pretty right?" one of them asked, "her eyes light up and everything."

"No way dude," the other said, "that's not even possible."

"Yes it is dude!" he yelled, "watch this." He walked over to me and got close to my face. I shut my eyes to try and control myself more but the sound of his blood, the smell of it... it made me crazy, it made me hungry. 

I hissed and tried to lunge forward at him, being stopped by the chains. 


"Holy shit did you see that!" 

"Wow that was awesome!" 

I heard everyone around the room and watched as they got their phones. The flash burned my eyes and made me see black dots. I hissed again and squeezed my eyes shut. I cried out as the burning continued. 

"Woah dude whats happening to her?" someone asked. 

"I don't know," I felt them all get closer to me, "should we call a doctor?" 

I felt my body start to heal and soon the burning was gone and I was able to open my eyes again. My heart was racing as they stood around me, amazed. 

"Did you guys see that too?" he asked. People nodded their heads. I watched as one of them reached in his back pocket and pulled out a knife. 

"What are you doing?" he asked. 

"She literally just healed from whatever happened," the other explained, "lets see what she does with this. I won't go that deep." He rolled up the leg of the pants and held the blade to my skin, cutting down my leg. I winced as my skin opened. They stood back and watched as it healed again within a couple minutes. 

"What else do you think she can do?" another asked. 

"I don't know, you wanna try some different stuff?" 

"Uhhh yeah," he said excited, "here." He walked over to a desk and opened a drawer. They gathered around. 

"Where did you get all this stuff from?" they questioned. 

"I just collect these old things," he shrugged, "I've always had a drawing towards them and never knew why." 

"Well what do they do?" 

"I don't know," he shook his head, "I just know how to work it. I've never used it on anyone." He walked over to me and lifted my shirt, placing the ball on my stomach. Instantly my skin started burning and I started to cry. It felt like it was burning into my skin. They pressed a button and I felt daggers sliced into me, hooking the ball in place. 

I screamed out as the ball started to glow and my skin started to burn. I was able to slid the bandana out of my mouth. 

"Take it off!" I begged, "take it off! Get it off of me! Please take it off!" the tears rushed down my face. "Please!" I screamed, "please take it off!"

Bedburg HillsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora