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I walked back into the woods, running around. I took down a few deer and now I know we will be stocked up atleast for the next couple of weeks. I took them to the cave for the time being, heading back out. 

I felt the breeze wisp through my fur, cooling me down. I heard leaves crunching, I turned around. I shifted back to human and hid behind a tree. I could start to hear their heart beating. I know that from somewhere. I stepped out and looked, "Esme?" 

"Don't kill me," she took a few steps back, "I know I'm on your land. Where is the rest of your pack?" 

"Oh my pack is dead," I admitted, "they were all slaughtered, well not all, me and Grace were able to survive it. I'm with Kira and Jace now." 

"Grace?" she questioned, her heartbeat picking up. 

"Yeah she's like my little sister," I smiled, "she's twelve." 

"Oh okay," her heart slowed back down. I chuckled. "And Kira? Jace?" 

"Well there's technically six of us," I explained, "there's Kira and Jace, then Alex and Jessica, then me and Grace."

"And you're all wolves?" she questioned more. 

"No," I laughed, "we are the most abnormal pack you'll ever see. Jace, he's a wolf, I'm a wolf and Grace is a wolf. Jessica, she's a witch, and Alex, well Alex was human a couple days ago but now he's a vampire. We had this big situation and there was this fight, he was bitten and turned." 

"What about Kira?" she asked again. 

"She's special," I looked down, "I'm not sure if I'm supposed to talk about it." 

"What is she?" Esme pushed while chuckling. 

"She's three different things," I explained further, "she started out as a wolf but then she found out she was a witch and then she found out she was a vampire. She's-"

"She's a tribred?" she asked again, "seriously? That makes her like...-"

"The strongest person ever?" I finished her sentence, "yeah I know. She's really cool, she doesn't like killing people." 

"What?" she asked, "seriously?" 

"I know right!" I laughed, "like what? I was trained to do it since I was a baby, a pup. Then I met her and she kinda started to change my whole life. Her demeanor and the way she never gives up, she's saved my ass I don't know how many times. Too many." 

"Is that why you didn't kill me?" she asked. 

No. That's not why. I didn't kill you because once I saw you, I couldn't bear the thought of hurting you. "Yeah," I nodded, "just trying to learn how to be a better person." 

"It's brave of you," she smiled, "there are many out there to hunt people like me and you." 

"Hey where did you come from?" I asked after agreeing with her, "don't you guys have groups?" 

"We normally do," she nodded and looked at the ground, "but they were also all killed. I don't know what happened really, I just woke up and they were all dead. Their heads were all cut off from their bodies. This was a couple years ago, but it still feels like yesterday."

"I'm so sorry," I shook my head, "where are you staying now?" 

"You're in it," she smiled while looking up and all around her, "this is my home." 

"The woods?" I asked, "really? That's no place for a pre- I mean, you have no where else to go?" 

I saw the red flush in her cheeks as she looked at her hands, "no but it really isn't as bad as you think. I mean, you know how it is. It's nice, peaceful. The bugs suck, but you get used to it."

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