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The water running against my skin was a feeling I couldn't even remember. It was foreign to me but it felt so good. The steam rolled off my body, filling the room I was in. I washed my hair and washed my body before stepping out and drying myself off. I looked in the mirror, my skin was now clear. Scars lined my body. It made me think of Kira and the large scar she's got across the right side of her face. 

Is all of this really happening? I looked around and just the feeling of being able to freely walk around is unimaginable. I wrapped the towel around my waist and opened the door to the bathroom, walking into a real bedroom. It had a bed, a dresser, a tv, nightstands... everything. It had everything and the colors on the wall were so complimentary. I put on a pair of boxers and sweat pants and a plain white t shirt. 

"I have to be dreaming," I looked around, "this has to be a joke or something. No way after years of torment I'm just... free. No way." I walked to the door, opening it and heading to the staircase. Everyone was sitting in the kitchen just talking. 

"Go ahead and make yourself a plate," Kira stated as I walked into the kitchen, "take what you want." 

"You're sure?" I slowly looked around. There's a lot of food but there's a lot of people, "I don't want to take it all."

"You won't," she shook my head, "there's always more here. We're okay. Eat. Fill up." I could feel the weight lifting from my shoulders. I grabbed a plate and filled it with corn, mashed potatoes, some of the pasta and a piece of chicken. I grabbed a fork and a knife before sitting down and cutting into it. 

"Oh my god this is so good," I felt the eyes roll back in my head as I took the first bite. It was like fireworks exploding in my mouth. "Thank you," I shoveled bite after bite into my mouth. Others started to finish up while I continued and before long I was the only one left eating. Kira walked over and started doing dishes. I looked down at my plate. 

"Here I can be done," I stood, "I don't want to-"

"Don't be done on my account of these," she spun around and looked at me, "if you're hungry, keep eating and just set it in here when you're done. You don't have to rush." I nodded my head and sat back down. 

"Hey me and her are gonna go to bed," Justin walked into the room. I couldn't help but watch him and his movements. 

"Okay," Kira nodded, "thank you guys for helping me today. Really, thank you." 

"Oh you know you don't have to thank us," he shook his head, "you're alpha. We follow you. Protect you." 

"No we protect each other," she turned around and nodded. I could feel the seriousness in her, "I would rather you protect one of them before protecting me. Keep that in mind. Please." He nodded his head and turned around, walking upstairs and into his room. 

"Why did you guys want to find me?" I asked her, "I mean after all this time?" 

"We just learned about you," she walked and sat down beside me, "This all kind of started when Esme came into play. She ended up being my sister, I had no clue. As far as I knew, I was the only tri-bred alive. Then Esme came along as a vampire but she kept unlocking these powers, the wolf and witch powers. We found out we were related. The coven came for me and took me. Well Falco came, I should say. So she took me for a while and tried to extract my powers from me. I got out and our grandma... her name was Rit. She told me about Esme's twin and that she'd locked your guys' powers for however many years. She died seconds later but I was able to catch a glimpse of you through her mind. When I was able to get out and when Jace found me and brought me back, I started on finding you. Which we did and then we came to get you out." 

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