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The bell rang and I headed home to wait for Alex. I started my homework and grabbed my phone.

Me: hey girl, how are things?

Kira: Uhm they are okay.. we've still got a few hours to go but we are definitely making progress. I'm going to run ahead once we get closer and Justin will come in after he gets there.

Me: please be safe.. and please don't be mad at me. I put a barrier spell over you, I'm sorry I had to. I'm nervous

Kira: lol I knew it! I could feel it. It's okay, it'll only benefit so no need to take it away.

Me: well I'm going to finish this homework and then Alex is going to pick me up and we're going to go get Grace. Is there anything you want done while you're gone?

Kira: okay, you can tell her what's going on. It'll be fine.

Me: okay, love you. Come back safe.

I finished up the rest of my work as I heard Alex honk his horn out front. I slipped on my shoes and ran down the stairs, "bye mom, bye dad! I'll see you guys later!"

"Bye honey!" My mom yelled from the kitchen, "have fun at Kiras for the next few days! Love you!"

"Love you!" I shut the door. I ran to his car and got in the front seat, "hey baby!" I leaned over and kissed him.

"Hey you," he smiled, "how are you? Kira called the school right?"

"I would imagine so," I nodded, "I didn't ask but I assume that she would. I mean she knows the rules."

We made small talk and when we arrived at the school we waited in line.

"Will you stay with me at Kiras?" I asked him, "mom thinks I'm hanging with her the next few days, I just figured I'd be there when she got home so if she needs any help I can be there."

"Yeah of course," he nodded, "plus Grace probably needs someone there anyways, or atleast wants someone there. I can't imagine she would want to be alone right now."

A woman walked up the car, "what student are you picking up today?"

"Uhm Grace, Grace..." he turned to me, "baby what's her last name?" He turned back to the woman, "I'm sorry, I'm a family friend. Justin and Kira had an unexpected emergency come up and I'm supposed to grab her."

"You're fine Kira called a couple hours ago," she chuckled, "she will be right out." She got on her walkie-talkie and had them send Grace outside.

I smiled and turned my head to look out the window, "and speak of the devil. Here she comes." She smile and hopped in the car.

"Where's Kira and Justin?" She asked immediately.

"Kira thinks she might know where Jace is," I explained, "Justin wouldn't let her go alone so he's with her."

"When will they be back?" She questioned further.

"I don't know," I shook my head, "hopefully no longer than two days."

"Are your staying the night at the house with me?" She looked out the window, "I don't want to be all alone there."

"We will be there," I nodded my head, "I'm good for three days. I have to go to school in the mornings though, Alex said he'd drive you to school and we will pick you up after. Okay?"

"Okay," she nodded, "good thing tomorrow is Friday anyways."

"Pull over here," I pointed, "I'll run ahead and scope things out and hopefully I'll have a plan for us by the time you get to me." He pulled over and I hopped out. Shifting, I took off through the woods and within a few minutes I found the warehouse.

I smell him! Okay, he's in there. A felt a smile spread across my face and a small weight lifted from my shoulders. I cloaked myself and walked around the building.

"Okay so there's no guards on the outside," I whispered to Justin once he made his way to me, "it'll be easy to get in but I don't know what's on the other side of the doors." Just then I heard Jace screaming. I started to make my way to the doors but Justin grabbed my hand.

"We can't go in there without a plan Kira," he shook his head, "I know you want to go in there, I do too, but it will only hurt us and him more if we go in there and fail because we don't have a plan."

I sighed and decided to check for any other witches in the area, "there three other witches in there Justin. What if they're stronger than me?"

"They're not," he shook his head, "I promise you that everything they can't do, you can do Kira. We can do this."

"I won't kill anybody Justin," I shook my head, "you know I won't be able to."

"I don't care that's fine," he said, "I don't have an issue with it. I'll do whatever I have to do. Just don't do anything big unless you have to. Jessica said you exerted basically all your energy and magic into that single blow the last time. Don't do that right off the bat here. Ease into it. Can your paralyze everyone in there?"

"I can try to but those other witches," I shook my head, "I don't know what they've got going on. They could have it to where as soon as I step in there I lose my powers."

"Well let's hope that doesn't happen," he nodded, "you ready?"

"I think so yeah," I nodded.

I felt the headphones leave my ears and I slowly looked up. The ringing stayed, I couldn't hear a single thing.

I could see John, he was standing in front of me, talking to me. He turned around, talking to Cassie and the others that stood in the room. I could feel my legs starting to shake, I'm not sure how long I've been standing here. Each time I put my feet flat on the ground the rope tightened enough to cut off my breathing.

He walked back over and put the headphones back on my head. I squeezed my eyes shut and screamed out. My legs started burning as the wobbling worsened.

I looked up, he had a dial in his hand. He stepped closer to me, taking the tape from my mouth. I felt the blood trickling from my ears, "pl- please." I tried talking, I don't know if what I'm saying is even making sense, I can't hear myself think.

He turned the dial and my blood started to boil. I roared out as the pain became too much. I looked up and I watched the doors of the building open. Justin walked in, in wolf form. I watched as he started jumping from person to person.

My legs buckled and started to give out, I felt the rope get tighter. Everything was happening at once. Is this it?

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