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"It's been a week since she's been gone and we have nothing," Jess shook her head, "no location. No clues. Nothing."

"I don't know what else to try," I shook my head. I'm at a loss, I have no clue what I should do or where I should go. Then it dawned on me.


"Esme can I talk to you," Kai walked up to me and whispered in my ear. I nodded my head and we walked out front. "It's about Finis," he started, "how high is security out there? Like was it hard to find me?"

"Not really," I shook my head, "I more or less had a feeling and I followed it. Why? Hate us that much?"

"What? No," he chuckled while shaking his head, "I love being around you guys. It's been amazing. But I uh- I have a uhm... a friend... in there. I uh- I need to get him out of there. I-"

"He isn't just a friend," I smirked, "is he?" He looked at the ground and I could feel the anxiousness. I knew it. I knew he was hiding something. This is no friend.

"He uh," he rubbed the back of his head, "he- he's a friend. A good friend... my only friend really."

"You're lying," I looked into his eyes. I could tell her was. I could feel it. "You don't have to be scared to tell me stuff," I shook my head, "I understand if you don't want to but you don't have to be scared. We won't do anything to you or look at you any different." I could tell her was contemplating it.

"I have to get him out of there," he said, "I have to. He's stuck up there and I have to get him out."

"How long has he been there?" I asked, "how long have you known him?"

"For as long as I can remember," he nodded his head while looking at the ground, "he's human but he knows me. He knows what I am, what I can do, what I sound like. His cell was right above mine. He's human."

"He's human?" I asked, "he- wait. And he knows about you?"

"He was the only person I talked to for years," he shook his head, "I was the only person for him. He knows things about me that other don't know. Sometimes I'm convinced he might know more about me than I know about me."

"You love him," I smiled. He snapped his attention to me and I watched his face turn blood red, "it's okay. It isn't unacceptable. You're accepted no matter what, you're family." I could see the weight lift from his shoulders. A smile spread across his face.

"You mean that?" He asked.

"I mean that," I nodded my head once more, "Finis is hard. It's scary." I walked and grabbed a map before laying it out on the table, "we are here. Finis is here. They have tons of security, lots of guards. It would be hard and I don't suggest going alone. Normally I would go with you but I have to find Kira. I-"

"I know," he nodded and smiled small, "I can handle it."

"What?" before I was able to finish the word he had ran out the front door, "Kai wait!" I ran and opened it, running outside and looking around. "Kai!" I yelled, "Kai wait! Please!" I looked around but he was no where to be found. I walked back into the house, "Justin go with him."

"What?" He asked, "and leave you? No way."

I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him, "I love you and I need you to do this for me. Please. Go find him."

"I love you," he kissed my forehead and took off out the door. I walked over and shut it before leaning against the counter.

"So what do we do?" Jess walked over and asked, "Jace is passed out, Justin and Kai are gone. Grace is upstairs freaking out. How the hell do we get her back?"

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