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When she took off out the back door my heart sank. The cameras shattered around us, and there were tons of them. They were all over the house.

All of us ran after here, Kai was close behind us. Flashbacks from my nightmare flooded my brain. "Stop stop wait!" I grabbed Jaces sleeve and stopped moving. Her jerked backwards.

"Come on! Come on Cassie! I know you're here!" Kira screamed out. This is how it went. I remember now.

"I can stop it," Jace shook his head, "let me go!"

"No this is how you guys die and you guys get taken," I shook my head, "my nightmare, this is it. We went for it then. We have to stop right now."

"What and leave her out there?" He asked, "no way!"

I looked at him for a few seconds and quickly held my hand in front of him, "freeze." I watched his body slightly tense up and he couldn't move. "I'm sorry," I shook my head, "but you have to trust me and I know you won't." I could sense the anger, the fear. "I won't let anything happen to her," I shook my head some more, "I won't. I promise. We just have to wait a few minutes. We have to try and change the outcome of this."

"Someone's coming," Alex snapped his attention to the side. It's Cassie, it has to be.

I turned towards all of us, raising my hands, "cloak."

"You broke my security system," Cassie walked out from the trees, "that stuff costs money."

"Well it's a good thing you have magic," she sneered back, "typically you warn someone if there's cameras in the house."

"Well that wouldn't get me the information that I needed now would it," Cassie walked closer, "I know so much that I didn't know before. That I wouldn't know."

"You are conniving," Kira shook her head, "it's pathetic really." She stood still as Cassie circled around her. What is in her hand?

Is that... oh no. Salt.

I threw my hand forward, knocking Cassie into a tree. I watched as Kira quickly went to run but was unable to leave the circle of salt. I was too late, she was locked in the ring. Cassie stood up quickly, throwing her hands towards forward. It knocked all of us back. I unfroze Jace and stood quickly. The rest of them stood around me.

"What do we do?" Esme asked me, "do we fight her?"

"I- I don't know," I shook my head, "I-"

"We don't have time for that!" Jace shifted into a Wolf and roared out, running towards Cassie. I could hear Kira screaming no as he got closer to the two of them. Cassie hands went in front of her and Jace was thrown backwards.

"Where the hell did he go?" Alex asked. I shook my head, it felt like that's all I could do. I turned back towards Cassie and she had started walking towards us. Esme threw her hands forward, starting a duel with Cassie. Alex and Justin started running towards Cassie also, I watched the two of them abruptly stop and start to lift into the sky. Another witch walked out, her arms extended out. She had full control of them.

"This can't happen," I shook my head, "this can't happen." I threw my left arm around, the witch hit her knees and Justin hit the ground. Suddenly my throat tightened and I couldn't breathe. I started scratching and grabbing at my neck.

Justin roared out and started running towards the witch. Hitting her and taking her to the ground. My body landed on the rocky terrain below me and I coughed as I caught my breathe. Alex ran to my side, picking me up and running behind a tree.

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