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"Let me go!" I screamed out as they carried me. I had a bag over my head, my hands were cuffed together, my ankles too. "Get off me!" I snapped. I was thrown onto the ground, feels like concrete. I felt a steel-toed boot hit my rib cage, I heard and felt my ribs crack. I rolled over on the ground and the bag was pulled from my face.

Cassie and Falco.

"Know what you're doing here?" Falco knelt down beside me.

"Being your test subject," I spat, "let me out of these and we can fight it out for real."

"Hm no," she chuckled, "instead you are going to keep your mouth shut." She waved her hand in front of my mouth and just like that, my lips were sealed shut. They picked me up and tied a rope to the handcuffs chain and then proceeded to lift me into the air, just above the ground. I could almost touch with my tip toes.

"Where did you send them?" Cassie walked in front of me, "your house?" I squinted my eyes and slowly shook my head. Honestly, I'm not sure where they went. I'm hoping I sent them to my house, home. It all happened so fast, I meant to send them there but it's possible they went to Jessicas.

"Just start extraction," Falco shook her head, "the faster we start the faster it'll be done. Then we can just split it."

"We wouldn't have to split it if we had gotten the other ones," Cassie sneered, "will this even work?"

"Worked before," Falco walked over to me and inserted the needle. I watched the yellow fluid start to glow out and fill a bag, "it'll work again. See. Then once this fills we can hook it to you and fill the second one. Once that ones done, we can hook it to me.

What the hell are they trying to do? Are they trying to use my powers? Mix them with theirs? That... that could kill them. My arm started to hurt, I could feel myself slowly draining. It hurts so terribly bad. I can't believe I'm back in this position.

"Maybe we should have them rough her up a bit?" Cassie looked at Falco and then at me with a smirk on her face, "I mean I know how to stop the healing process." Falco looked up at her, smiling and nodded her head. I watched her turn and run up some stairs.

"Silence," Falco smiled. All the sound around me seemed to turn off. I could hear nothing, say nothing. What was next? I watched Cassie walk back down, two men behind her. She pointed at me and within seconds I felt their fists hitting my face and chest. I cried out with every punch thrown.

I felt my face starting to swell up. Nothing was healing, cuts and scrapes weren't closing, bruises weren't going away.

"Hook her to wolfsbane," Falco pointed, "it'll weaken her some more. Won't kill her, but it'll weaken her some more."

"D-I mean don't you think she's weak enough?" Cassie asked, "I mean look at her. She couldn't hold herself up right now. She can barely hold her head up as it is." What? Now she cares?

"Are you messing with me?" Falco started to laugh, "stop now if you are. Hook her up." She walked and grabbed the needle, pulling over the bag and kneeling in front of me. She looked up at me and sadness filled her eyes. I knew it wasn't meaningful. She didn't mean it. Shes just starting to feel guilty. The needle poked my skin and I shut my eyes as it slid deeper.

The burning started and I could feel it seeping throughout my system. Pretty soon it was in my entire system and I felt on fire.

"And done," Falco pulled the other needle from my arm. They had an entire IV drip bag of my magic. "Okay," she held it up, "perfect. One full bag. Here go store this upstairs. I'll be up in a few, going to try a few things." Cassie did as she said and took off upstairs. Falco walked over to me. "You can't get away this time," she set her finger on my cheek and moved it down. I felt my skin splitting and I cried out as she lifted her hand, "no way you're getting away." I couldn't speak still, still couldn't move my mouth. I could hear obviously, Cassie took that spell off. I don't know if Falco knows.

She stepped away and walked behind me, setting her finger on my neck along my hairline. She moved all the way down my spine. I screamed as loud as I could without opening my mouth, I felt the blood trickling down my back. She lifted her finger at my tailbone.

"Maybe this time you won't even try to run," she walked back in front me and looked at my scar, "what happened here? Speak." I felt my lips separate and I started breathing heavily trying to catch my breath.

"None of your business," I shook my head, "you don't need to know."

"From your boyfriend yeah?" She chuckled, "what's his name? Jace? You saved him that day. Would have killed him. It was brave of you."

"I'd do it again," I tried to lean my head back but I couldn't. I have zero strength left, I was losing the feeling in my hands and it was becoming difficult to keep my eyes open.

"Why," she scoffed, "what's the point of that. Relationships are a waste of time."

"I'm glad I asked your opinion," I murmured, "Come on. Let me out of here. We can fight it out. I win I go, you win I stay."

"Really?" She started laughing, "you really wanna make that bet?" No. I don't. I'm gonna lose, a part of me knows it but I have to try and get out of here. "Why don't you think on it for a while," she smirked, "I'll ask again in a couple hours. If you still want to, great." She walked behind me and dug her nails into my back. I cried out as she scraped downwards, I felt my skin open up.

"Falco enough!" Cassie yelled out, "what are you doing?"

"What do you mean wh- oh, don't tell me you're going soft," she walked towards Cassie, "we have assignments that need to get done." What assignments? What are they talking about? "Here put this back in," she handed her a needle, "time to get more out of her."

"Don't you think that'll kill her?" Cassie asked, "look at her. You've done a number. The guys did a number on her. She's hooked on wolfsbane, and you have spelled to not heal. She's taking a beating. She can only take so much. We have no leads on the others yet. All the cameras have been destroyed and with both of us here, I haven't gotten to go there." I felt their eyes on me and Falco walked to me. Her hand entangled in my hair and she pulled my head back, we made eye contact.

"You won't die will you?" She smirked, "if you're anything like your mother, you'll be fine."

"She's 17," Cassie shook her head, "almost 18 but she's only 17. Her mother was way older than that."

"Hardly," she shook her head, "30. So not really that much older."

"What- what do I have to do?" I struggled to talk, "for- for you to let me out of here."

"You still wanna fight?" She questioned.

"What?" Cassie chimed in, "what do you fi-"

"Yes," I coughed, "yeah we can fight." She smiled and walked behind me, I felt the rope rattling and my body fell to the ground. The rope tightened and I was being pulled along the ground.

Please give me strength.

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